Monday, August 28, 2023

Rasta Pasta.

Yesterday while my hubby was already out I asked him to pick me up a 6 cheese Penne pasta salad(shown here) and he thought I wanted him to pick up six of them ( yeah, right, at 12$ each! No way!) when really I really only wanted one and it has 6 different cheeses in it( actually it only has 4 cheeses in it but he was smart enough to ask someone that works at the store and they knew what I meant and got it). Ha, ha! Duh! Guys are so dumb! The 28 YR old had some the other day and I remembered I liked it and haven't had it in years but he was cheap and wouldn't give me any so I just bought my own. I know, what an asshole, right? My mother also said I should charge him 10$ a week for cooking and doing his laundry but somehow it just doesn't feel right(even though he does have a job) and she's alwaysjust  been about $$$. He also paid these 3 kids that came around to cut the grass 5$ each and crowed how he "ripped them off" etc.....but then in the end they got the "last laugh" because they only did the front part and not the side and he never thought to check before he paid them, so HA! He also called me "Princess" because I always complain the new dryer doesn't have a light and I just assumed it would, like how a fridge and stove does and he mocks me saying, Oh! I only thought cars came in Bentleys!

I also visited my mother yesterday and the 16 YR old came too because she kept asking for him and she was so happy to see him(he's like her little pet) and when we were visiting and she was talking her room-mate growled loudly to her, Oh, shut-up! and when I told my hubby he's always on his phone he snarled I'm "stupid" even though he always is, even when he's in the bathroom, and this morning it's so chilly out(11C) I could even see my breath so you can tell fall is coming, and my friend D( from grade 6) also recently bought a vineyard and he's nearing his first harvest and charges 100$ for a bottle of wine! My hubby also found a sunflower field 15 minutes away you can go and take photos so I hope to go and I'm also hoping that they sell them as well, and with my autism I always have to keep "reminding" myself as well The Rules too because it's not something that I "automatically" know like other people, such as when someone asks how I am I have to "remind" myself to ask them back too( instead of just replying) or ask someone how their day was(even if I don't care) before I tell them my news( even though if I don't say it right away I'll forget) and before I go into an elevator I have to remember to let other people out first, etc, just things like that, that I often forget and people think I'm rude when I'm just being autistic.

My hubby also often likes to hassle me that I "don't 'want' to down-size" and sell the house that we now "have enough room for 2 bedrooms for each person" etc. but it's not that; it's not that I have a "problem" with down-sizing'; it's just that I LOVE my backyard; it's my sanctuary and this is my home and I don't want to move, plus moving is always such a pain-in-the-ass and we'd never make enough $$$ selling ( because the kids totally just wrecked the place)  we wouldn't make enough $$$ to be able to move or to afford  anything else, anyway,everything costs more than we'd get selling this house, and we'd end up losing  $$$ and have to start all over again with a new mortgage, and there's no way I'd go backwards again and rent.

  The 28 YR old said it was a "bad idea" too that I "broke trust" with the 20 YR old when she was 14 having her self-harm and eating disorder by "sneaking" in extra calories( such as injecting butter into her muffins,etc) and having to regularly "search" her room and remove harmful objects like razors and bottles of pills, a rope she'd planned to hang herself with, etc. but I had no choice; I did what I had to do to save her life; to keep her safe, to help her heal and to keep her alive, and it worked, and even though she hates me and seeing her destroy herself and hurt like that also destroyed me(Buddy was here to help me heal, but losing her shattered me)  I would do it all again if I had to because it saved her life and as much as I honour loyalty and trust, saving a life always comes first and takes priority over everything else. Often doing the right thing is also the hardest and being a parent isn't easy,either but you do what you have to.

I remember the time I knew what happiness was Let the memory live again.-Elaine Page


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