Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Returning Home.

Yesterday I went to the CNE  and I was gone 12 HRS and now my back and legs hurt sooooo much my body is begging for mercy and I can hardly walk. It even feels like my hips are coming out of the joints and this morning I had to take a long soak in a soothing Epsom Salts bath. Poor Buddy really missed me and he spent all day either waiting by the front door for me or next to my chair and barking. He also refused to go out to pee for the 16 YR old( the only one home) because he doesn't trust him but luckily the 28 YR old came home from work early( at 3 pm) and he let him out. When my hubby and I got our "Ex" admission the girl said "One senior and one adult?" and I was thinking, "Which one of us does she think is the senior...him or me?" but to save $$$ I said we were both seniors and I was going to have a burrito for lunch excapt it cost a whopping 19$ just for a friggin' burrito  so I got a soft taco for 11$ instead. Then my hubby and I split up and went our separate ways and met up at 6pm and he wore a bright orange shirt so it would be easier to find him in the crowd except he wasn't the only one to have that idea; you wouldn't believe how many people had bright orange shirts, and in nature a bright colour like that warns you it's toxic,like those bright poisonous frogs, so you know not to lick them..😂I always enjoy the people watching too which I find fascinating and it's also sad,too, the "Ex" means it's also the end of summer which,of course, was always much worse as kid, with all the anxiety, stress, and worry knowing school goes back in 2 weeks or so.

I also bought this yummy sort-of Turkish Delight in chocolate, chocolate pistachio, chocolate hazelnut, and coconut and ate 3 of them right there, and I saw 2 live shows; dancers, singers and Bongo drums that came all the way from Uganda that were phenomenal and a comedy duo from South Korea  and I smelled so much weed there as well and people also liked my weed hat and my sequin backpack and I had to keep sitting for most of the time as I can't walk much anymore and get so tired and out of breath and also sat in a massaging chair which helped my sore aching back and at one point I got so sweaty as well(even though I was sitting indoors) the sweat was just pouring  and dripping down my face and I felt all dizzy and light-headed and voices sounded like they were "buzzing" and I even hallucinated everyone was speaking in German and I honest-to-God thought I was going to pass out, maybe even have a heart-attack and my biggest worry was I was going to get robbed if I passed-out and the thought also went thru my mind as I was contemplating this that maybe I had to return home to die, or at the very least go back home one last time before I die. At the end I also lay down under an oak tree for 2 1/2 HRS resting my sore back (but didn't dare close my eyes in case someone grabbed my backpack)and I thought I'll die under a tree in partial sun and shade and  looking up at acorns and I was OK with that.

On the way back we also stopped off at a restaurant and had dinner(thinking it would be cheaper but it wasn't) and I got this amazing Pina Colada smoothie( shown here) that was so creamy and good and came in a cool pineapple glass but it cost 10$ so for that price I kept the glass and I also had nachos that cost over 20$ and weren't anything special and my hubby forgot his phone in the car when he parked it at first at the "Ex"(duh! he always forgets something and he'd forget his head if it wasn't attached! What the hell is wrong with him?) and he had to go back for it, even though I did  remind him before he locked it up Do you have your wallet, your credit card, your cell phone,your keys, your hat.... I swear, he's worse than a little kid! I also missed being able to come back home and tell my mother about how the "Ex" was and it was kind of sad,  and they had even less vendors there than last year; less and less every year, and I only bought some bath-bombs( which turned out to be shit-less; no scent and don't turn the water colour) and a 3-D Bob Marley picture( shown below) and only spent 50$ so I still have lots of $$$ left over to spend on my trip, and the 20 YR old got a summons for jury duty as well.....except she lives out-of-province on the other side of the country now so likely be excused and in all my 56 YRS I've never had jury duty( my mother did) and she's just 20 and gets called up but I think it would be an interesting experience though.

Always too much yet never enough.


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Pondering For Today.