Sunday, September 24, 2023


After I got home from my trip I had to bring my plants inside for hibernation as it's too cold now overnight ( 6C!) esp. for the palm tree. They had been living outside since May but have now been relocated back indoors. My hubby had also wrapped the ferns in clear plastic bags( so they wouldn't "shed") and it just looked ridiculous! He said it was "like a greenhouse" and we "wouldn't have to water them" ("we" meaning me)but it looked so stupid and they would eventually suffocate in there, plus, I couldn't enjoy them, not really being able to see them so I rescued them.I also had a problem uploading my photos; they came out all blurry and "fuzzy" and it kept saying "corrupted file" and I had to keep re-doing it. F*ck. I also asked him to pick up some carnations( her fave.) for my mother while he was out for when we visit her later today and of course he had no idea what they look like( even after all this time) so I asked him if he had to ask an employee which ones the carnations were (they should have labelled them) and he said no, but he did ask a shopper, a woman in her 60's who he figured  looked like she probably did gardening and knew about flowers and she told him! HA!

The 28 YR old's boss also came back from Portugal after a week and he had to go and water and care for his cannabis plants while he was away ( I called Watering the grass) and he burned his hands on hydrogen peroxide( used for mildew control) and I remember in Portugal they had rooster motifs everywhere and it was on dish towels, tablecloths, etc. and that was also where my mother had her luggage opened up and inspected right in front of us,too, and it may also have been  the place where her hands got swabbed for explosives residue as well  from what I can remember although I'm not sure if it was there or someplace else.She must look like a terrorist, ha,ha! It also would appear that flight attendents no longer are required to be pretty, thin, or young either, at least based on what I experienced on both my flights on my trip each way. They never even had any in-flight movie,either, but I had my books.

I also read the latest Beverly Lewis Amish book and usually she has a preview at the end for her next upcoming book in 6-12 months but not this time, making me wonder if this might be her final novel( although I hope not!) and she is 74 years old so maybe....I also heard someone ask a British person about their accent and they said, with offence, that they don't have  an "accent" (even though they do, and it's a cool one I must say) but that's the language; the way English is supposed to be  and that it's the others that are incorrect and when you really think  about it I guess it makes sense since English was invented by the British and the others are all "variants"; sort of "pidgin" versions, and I guess they'd feel like how people in France feel hearing Quebec French, like the language is being "bastardized", and like how I feel (having learned Classical violin) every time I hear the violin being mis-used, abused and bastardized with fiddling!😡

My hubby also brought home a bunch of muffins from pickleball someone made I dubbed Muffinville, and today there's less than 10 of them left, and my left arm also feels "heavy" and sore for the past couple of days so I guess all that swimming has finally caught up with me, and I posted a meme on Facebook too saying how to just let your weirness show and other weirdos will be drawn to it and the right people will adore you and one of my friends said, But everyone else will think I'm strange  and I told her, Maybe, but who cares what people think! and I can't believe Bruce Springsteen is 74 either; I started listening to him when I was 16 and he was 33 so now that makes me  feel really old,too, and Jr. High was hell for me as well with the relentless bullying( and I first attempted suicide when I was just 13) but Genesis' Turn It On Again, Pink Floyd's Another Brick In The Wall, Eric Clapton's Cocaine, and Rush's Spirit Of Radio, etc. got me thru. Music saved my life.

Our body is knit together. When one part suffers it all does.


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