Friday, September 8, 2023

Home Sweet Home.

Yesterday my hubby and I got my mother settled into her new LTC home. It took 2 hours, mostly due to all the paperwork I had to go over and sign that I didn't anticipate and I should have brought my glasses! I don't know how her first day and night went as I won't be able to phone her daily anymore like at the hospital as she doesn't have a phone in her room anymore since they charge 25$ a month so I just call if there's something major or an emergency to the main number and they can go get her. We'll visit her Sunday afternoons so it'll just all have to wait until then. We also found out that she doesn't qualify for the gov't subsidy; we thought anyone who just had pension for income did but apparantly you have to earn under 20K a year and between her Canada Pension and hospital pension from her employer she makes almost double that so now we have to pay the nearly 2K a month, leaving us with nothing left to pay our property tax, home insurance, and some of the bills because her income covered that before.Her room-mate was sleeping the whole time,too, so hopefully will be quiet and no trouble(although I did hear one crazy howling and screeching like a scalded cat in the hallway so there's always at least ONE crazy everywhere you go) and she even had the same pussy-music radio station on that my mother likes and most of the residents looked half-comatose slumped over in their wheelchairs,too!

They also have 2 resident parrots there and a host of activities( like on the cruiseships!) incl. trivia which she likes but also a redneck country hoe-down and she said, I won't be going to THAT! and even a hairdresser( you have to pay extra for) and a dentist that come in (but she doesn't have any teeth,anyway) among others and they said every meal you have 2 options, and my hubby goes, Eat it or starve? but they actually meant 2 choices of meals, and she feels more optimistic now as well and even told them to reverse the previous DNR order saying, I still have years left of life to live!  For some reason though I have this "feeling" she's only going to live another year and die at 83.On the way out of the hospital I also suggested to her about the Crazy Bitch that assaulted and robbed her, Do you want to give her one last UP YOURS on the way out? and the nurse goes, let's not go there! and the young nurse at the LTC home also had these funny socks on that said bitch on it and I told her, I love your socks-bitch- that's hilarious!  and she said she meant to fold them down so no one would see but I told her Don't worry; I love it!

I also signed forms denying the Covid (or any )vaccines but consenting to bloodwork or any other tests or medical treatment and I have the feeling that this is now a time for New Beginnings for all of us; her in the LTC home( and maybe that's why my previous suicide attempts failed; she still needed me to help her move on to this stage in her life before I leave) that we're all starting over, and that Buddy and I are dying soon( and my hubby even said he doesn't really expect me to return from my trip although I would never abandon Buddy) and then my hubby and the boys can sell the house and start over on their own. Yesterday the 28 YR old also had to cancel his job for the day due to the storm in Toronto and they were to be outside cleaning windows 18 stories up and both my hubby and the 16 YR old also got their eyes checked and both need new glasses and next week the 16 YR old also goes to a job thing where he gets this course on how to write up a job resume and how to apply for jobs,etc. now he's doing a Gap Year in-between graduating highschool before he goes to university.

I also heard on the radio there was a crazy naked lady in the local park here running around with a knife swiping it at people(probably a Methhead; we seem to have lots of them here)  and the 28 YR old goes, Awww.... I missed that? and my hubby looks "down" on me and says I "refuse" to get a cell phone too when really it just makes no sense to when I'm home all the time anyway and who am I going to call? Plus it's too high-tech and complicated for me as well so why pay 100$/ month(this shithole has the highest cell phone rates in the world; no surprise here, always getting ripped-off) for something I don't even need and won't even use? it's just a waste of $$$ I don't have! Whenever I don't know or understand something he also always says, It's just common sense! trying to make me feel even dumber, as if I don't even have common sense, and he laughs that I think Joe Biden is a pedophile and dismisses it as me just being a Facebook Mom and conspiracy theorist and says Why would someone like that (a  pedophile) get elected? but just look at Trump and all the things he did and he still got elected, and look at Prince Andrew; and all of Epstein's clients,etc,alot of them are horrible; it doesn't seem to matter. Those are the people that rule the world today. That's the problem.

Roots, rock, reggae.-Bob Marley


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