Tuesday, September 12, 2023

I'm Off!!!!

Today's The Day!!! It's finally here!! I leave for the airport in just a few hours(and with MY "luck" just watch the in-flight movie be Barbie or some stupid superhero movie or something,) and my Beloved Checkered Shoes have travelled all over, to 37 countries, soon-to-be 38 and they've had many adventures, incl. being "baptized" in the Caribbean Sea by getting completely soaked that time I fell off a sailboat ( a Catamaran to be exact)as it was wet and slippery as I was going in and I slipped and fell and plunged into the water. I also still have my summer tan,too, so I won't be pasty white on the beach, and I had to switch the skirt I was originally going to wear as it has pins in it because the zipper is broken but I don't want it to beep and set off the alarm going thru security(that's always sooooo embarrassing and everyone turns around to look!) and it somehow also feels like everything's been "building up" to this moment, and I'm really going to miss Buddy like crazy and it's my only "hesitancy"; leaving him behind(and also the only reason I'm coming back), and it was sad too thinking that if he ( or me) dies when I'm away that today could be our last day together and it breaks my heart to think I could come back and find he's gone and then I would have nothing left anymore. I had a big scare yesterday as well: I doubled-checked to make sure I had everything and I couldn't find my credit card! I was sure I had it packed in my carry-on but it wasn't there and that's really bad; I sort of need it for my trip so I panicked and looked frantically all over for it and prayed and it ended up to be in my other purse, thank God! Whew! Tonight when I go to sleep and tomorrow morning when I wake up I'll be in another country! Yahoo!!

They also call my mother The New Girl  at her LTC home and she said she wants us to get her photos of all the grandkids and also of the 24 and 27 YR old's BF's as well which I think is sort of weird since they're not even part of our family( and BF's and GF's come and go) and you can only become part of the family by either being born into it or marrying into it and they aren't either, and you know how you can feel a "stitch" in your side? Yesterday I felt that, only in my chest, and I still have the bad abdomenal and stomach pain as well, just MY "luck" in time for my trip and when my hubby had his eyes checked they also said he's "at risk" for a detached retina which isn't good,either, as it causes blindness so they told him what to watch out for(such as "floaters") and at pickleball the other day he had to take someone to the hospital as they went "over" on their ankle and right away it really started swelling up so they either broke or sprained it.I remember when I used to do gymnastics how many times I sprained my ankles and ended up at the ER. My friend in California's( who also happens to be the mother of the 28 YR old's ex-GF) father died yesterday and he was in his 90's and also lived in a LTC home. She just recently lost her mother,too.

Here are also our fall vines, and USA has the nerve to be pissed-off that North Korea might be supplying weapons to Russia for its war with Ukraine....even though USA is also arming Ukraine, so what's the difference? They're such hypocrites, and everyone needs an ally, it all depends what side you're on, and dickweed Trudeau also got stuck in the summit in India( where they don't like him,either) a few extra days as his plane broke( this shithole is probably too cheap to do maintenance and it also wouldn;t surprise me if it was shitty Air Canada,too) and they even had to send an airplane mechanic from here all the way over there to fix it( don't they have mechanic there that can do it?) before the asshat could finally leave! Ha,ha! Too bad he couldn't just stay there but I'm sure they don't want him,either!
Look out Dominican Republic, here I come!
I'll see you next Wednesday!!

For me the world is darkness because I've gone blind.- Peyton Berry


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