Sunday, September 10, 2023

My Turn.

Yesterday one of my cousins in Europe(and 3 of his friends) arrived in NYC for vacation andf my friend P( from grade 6) went to Cuba with 26 other people....and in 2 more days it's also my turn; I go on my trip,too! It seems like everyone's going away lately! I can't believe it's so soon, it doesn't even seem real! I just hope that stupid hurricane doesn't prevent me from swimming(esp. since that's what I'm going for; the beach and swimming!) I don't care if the waves and swells are so-many metres high; I'm going for it,anyway; it just makes it more fun! I also found more cool things online I liked: this cool shoes, psychedelic like 1960's style and the pink tulle skirt below that reminds me of a ballet tutu. I had a suitcase once that looked similar to the shoes. I also have this deoderant thingy outside to get rid of the shit stink( or at least to hide it)that wafts thru the entire town and it also acts as a wasp repellent( a bonus!) as they venture near it and then quickly fly away! HA!

There was also this devastating earthquake in Morocco, in Marrakech which is also one of the places I've been to ( as well as Rabat and Casablanca and that's where my mother got food poisoning and shit her pants in the airport) and it seems that pretty well every place I go to that something really bad always happens(luckily not until after I've left though) like either a flood, earthquake, volcano,hurricane,terror attack,etc. it's like I'm a jinx, and I heard the Rolling Stones are releasing a new album next month as well, their first in 18 years so that's something to get excited about but this time I probably have to buy it instead of downloading like I usually do as I have no space left on my iPod, and the 28 YR old says he likes the "crazy" girls, too, like his ex-GF in Belgium who tried to stab him, and we're visiting my mother today and also bringing her a dresser for her stuff and when we checked her in  the other day they also took an invetory of all her stuff, one-by-one and labelled them which also took time and now there's this rumour that Obama is really actually gay and his wife Michelle is really a man named Mike that just dresses up as a girl but why even go thru all that? No one even cares anymore if someone's gay; why not just be honest, and why all this "fuss" about gender and pronouns too; we're all people;why does it matter what gender you are?

“Truth never damages a cause that is just.” - Mahatma Gandhi


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