Monday, September 11, 2023

One More Sleep!

Just one more sleep( tonight!) and then I'm off! My flight takes off at 4:45 pm tomorrow( that is, assuming it leaves on time and isn't late, ha,ha, good luck with that) and whenever my hubby or kids travel I always follow them on the Flight Tracker to  check the flight status to see when they've taken off or are in the air or have landed, etc. but I don't think my hubby ever bothers that with me(no one gives a shit) and we're also supposed to get rain tomorrow in Toronto(where the airport is) and possibly even a thunderstorm( it figures) so I hope it doesn't affect it, as well as the hurricane at the other end!  For me it's also just a 4 HR flight or so but for my cousin she has to cross the Atlantic so 9 hours or so and even to NYC; for us just a short 45 min. flight but for them 11 hours or so! You can also see in the photo here that my hair is growing out a bit longer for the cooler weather. 

Yesterday I also saw a big dick and balls-shaped cloud; gawd, I must be getting really desperate, and they're already putting Satan's Day (Halloween) stuff on the TV and online too, so I just try my best to look away and ignore the occult crap. I generally like the fall season,too, except for that. My hubby also said everyone else at his raquet club is rich( they own practically the entire town!) except for him( of course) so maybe he can ask some of his rich friends to pitch in and get my mother the wheelchair she keeps asking for but we can't afford, or at least set up some kind of charity fundraiser for her? My hubby was also doing some asshole-ish thing and I told him he's the Asshole King; the King Of Assholes and he goes, That makes YOU the Queen! and I told him, But I can get a divorce; you'll still always be an asshole! Yesterday I also had really bad abdomenal cramps, pain,and diarrhrea and today my stomach really hurts,too.

We also visited my mother (shown here)yesterday and the LTC home called us and said that there was an "incident" the night before and I thought Oh, my God! What kind of trouble did she get into now? Did she get into another fight or fall out of bed and get hurt, or what? but luckily it was nothing like that; the night nurse or PSW or whoever just told her off for always pressing the call bell and told her she has other people that need her attention too and to stop pressing the bell so much to which she huffed, ...and I'm also one of those people!! and refused to get her up during the night to go to the bathroom and just told her to use the bed-pan and she bristled, I'm NOT shitting in the bed-pan! get me up to the bathroom! so they asked if we wanted to file an "elder abuse" report and I said no; it's not "elder abuse'; they just told her to stop being such a demanding annoying pain-in-the-ass (and I totally "get" that)and I told her to stop ringing unless it's really important and not so often, and for them to get her up if she has to shit, even at night. Elder abuse would be if they assaulted her or were rough handling her in any way.

 She also said she likes it there otherwise and the food is great and she's been to a few activities and that she "wants to stay there until she dies" (which was the idea) and said there's about 120 residents in total and she wanted us to bring her a "treat" so my hubby went to Arby's  and we sat outside and ate and her room-mate doesn't even talk,either; just sort of mumbles and needs to be fed and my mother has Physio and was able to take 6 steps unassisted on her own and gets her hair cut this week,too!

And get higher and higher Straight up we'll climb We'll get higher and higher Leave it all behind.-Van Halen


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