Saturday, September 2, 2023

Pee-Pee Poo-Poo.

Look closely.....can you see it? I tried to take a photo but it's hard to see. 
I saw this on the bathroom mirror.
It says: Pee-Pee Poo-Poo.
I didn't even have to guess who wrote it.
 I knew right away. It was the 28 YR old.
 Who else?
 He said he did it using a special chalk that writes on glass. I never even knew that such a thing existed. You learn something new every day. Some days you learn more than one thing.
NOW my mother says she doesn't want to go to THAT PLACE and wants to go home and insists we get her one of those expensive electric wheelchairs as well( she just has the "push" kind like the Pope has; it's good enough for him but apparantly not for her) that costs thousands of $$$ we just don't have and can't afford so maybe the kids can all get together and pay for it (she said she Looked after them now it's their turn to look after her)and she can't come back here as she needs extra care we can't give and we're NOT going back to the way it was before and it was so bad I was suicidal; if she comes back I'll end up dead, and like the 28 YR old said, we got used to 'luxury' and we're not giving it up now, and he even said, upon hearing it costs almost 2K a month for her LTC home, Wouldn't euthanasia be cheaper? 

Then she also threatens to do the "Houdini" thing and "escape" the hospital and take a taxi home and calls up my hubby(who is in NY until late Monday so I'm here all alone to deal with all her shit) to complain to him I'm "not helping" her,etc. and he told her to go ahead, knowing she can't even get out of bed without assistance, nevermind on the elevator, in a taxi, up the stairs, etc.but what worries me is if she refuses they won't make her and will send her back home, and I know that will be the end of me; I finally started to have a better life and then to only have it taken away from me....I told her she's just  nervous because it's a change and something new, like I always was before camp each summer, but like me, she'll end up enjoying it, and for me camp even ended up being one of my fondest memories. She also kept calling me and bugging me too but I just stopped answering and just let the machine pick it up; I'm not "obligated" to put up with that; my mental health has to come first.

I've also been chasing this bismuth sculpture guy around all summer at the various fairs and now he finally has the hippo one and he'll be bringing it by on Monday. It costs 160$ which I know is alot but sometimes you just have to treat yourself and we all have to pay for the important things in life.Weird as well: now I can only hear the birds singing after I smoked weed, so it's almost like I have to be in a certain state of mind to be able to hear them; on a certain wavelength or vibration, and it's been 2 weeks since my throat, stomach,and colon biopsies as well and  I've heard nothing so I guess they were ok, and there's this yappy little dickhead I always hear every day non-stop when I'm outside the back, likely a neighbour's Yorkie or Chihuahua and it never shuts up and my Chihuahuas weren't "yappy" and never barked like that though; they only barked when someone came to the door, and we're supposed to have a heatwave for the next few days as well; 30-31C and feel like 38C and we never even had a 30C day all August! I also have less laundry and garbage with my hubby gone, much less, making me think that he must be the one that manufactures the most laundry and garbage...

My friend F( from grade 6) also bought this sweet ride for his son before he returns back to university next week and it reminds me of my BFF and my friend A when they turned 16 their parents gave them a car for their birthdays and my friend K in highschool had this really cool gold Trans-Am that had an eagle or something on the hood and he was so cool and popular,too; he was a Greek adonis that looked like Yanni and all the girls liked him but he only liked me as a friend( no guy like that ever likes me as more than a friend; in fact, no guy ever likes me more than a friend). One thing for sure, cars in the 70's and 80's were really really cool.Just like the music.Buddy's face is better now,too, and I think it must have been a wasp that stung him,esp. now when insects fly near him he looks scared and runs off!

You don't need too much. Too much is overwhelming.


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