Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Sharp Dressed Man.

The 28 YR old got this outfit yesterday that he ordered and had to pay a whopping 100$ in duty tax. I hate this shithole, always getting over-taxed on absolutely everything and over-charged and ripped-off all the time! Seriously though, WTF?I didn't have his face in the photo( in case you were wondering) as he'd just returned from a walk in the oppressive heat and his face was all red His ensemble incl. a Tweed blazer but it ended up too big at the shoulders and arms so he has to take it in for altering and it concerns me as well( even though I kept it to myself and didn't mention it to him, wanting him to just enjoy his purchase) he may have been ripped-off as I felt it and it doesn't feel like real Tweed to me but more of a shiny smooth texture as opposed to the more "rough" "wooly" texture of real  Tweed. I wonder too if he knows, according to the Aristocracy anyway, that Tweed is for the country, not the city, but that works out well since we live in the country. He wants to get alligator shoes as well but it's illegal in this shithole( they ban, regulate,and control everything here) so now he has to find some way to smuggle them in just like I did with the sealskin slippers I got the 20 YR old as a baby in Norway. He surprised me last night too by giving me a big fat burrito( he had one earlier and I'd admired it and said I was going to get one for my snack) and my fave. mango Mexican soda from the burrito place, and I never asked him to; he just did it, no reason, just because. Sometimes he can just be so nice!! Maybe he felt badly complaining about my cooking?

I also got more sunflowers for me when I went shopping for my mother. She didn't trust my hubby to get the right stuff( ha,ha, I don't blame her) and one thing was she wanted was 2 pairs of track pants, and mens' since they're cheaper and have pockets and he comes back with these ugly "sporty" ones like an athlete would wear and these other ugly shiny polyester ones she wouldn't be caught dead in and I found the exact ones she wants; the cotton ones, and I found all her stuff, and most on sale for summer clearance,too, so even better, and I also smelled that shit smell in town too, not just in my yard, so maybe it's just the way the town smells; like shit; it's just a shitty town? I didn't get to visit my mother yesterday as I had no time I had to do her shopping but I'll go today and she also said the hospital helped her apply for Assisted Living Devices to see if she can get funding for the wheelchair and I still haven't packed my stuff for my trip yet( and today is Procrastinator's Day, Ha!) but I did finally pack hers and she moves into the LTC home tomorrow morning.

It's still so hot (Mother Nature's way of reminding us that summer's NOT over yet)and they said on the news less than 30% of schools have A/C and today's supposed to be 32C with humidex of 42C and yesterday  and today on and off all day it felt like something cold and wet on my right cheek and I Googled it and it said it can be a symptom of MS or other neurological disorder but may also be the Herpes-Zoster virus....the same one that does shingles and Chichen-Pox and given the rash on my back I'd guess that's probably the one, and I wonder as well why balls have a "stitch" line? It's also sad to think that this very well may be Buddy's last summer and my last summer and our last summer together and I asked the 28 YR old to take care of Buddy for me when I'm away on my trip because he'll be sad and lonely and really miss me( and he's his second fave. person and the only one I really trust him with) and I hope he'll let him sleep with him in his bed as well so he'll have company and not feel as lost, and my hubby and I argue over the meaning of a Third World Country too; he says it's any country that isn't part of the NATO or Eastern Bloc alliance following WWII and I say it's any country that's poor, underdeveloped, "backwards",has substandard infrastructure, healthcare, poor standard of living, etc.

Oh, I know it hurts to say goodbye But it's time for me to fly.-REO Speedwagon


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