Wednesday, September 20, 2023

The Dominican Diaries.

I'm back from my trip and I had an *AMAZING* AWESOME  time! I wrote down a travel journal and for the next few days I'll post it here in installments exactly as it was.
DAY 1 Tuesday 12 September:
I'm here in the Dominican Republic and everything went so smoothly(odd for me) and I upgraded to VIP so only 2 people ahead of me in line for check-in and going thru security( instead of a couple of  hundred in the regular line of "commoners" HA!! No thanks!!)but I got a scare though: sitting on the plane in my window seat I could see them loading the luggage on I didn't see my bag and I was worried  and panicked thinking it wasn't there but it was, thank God,  that's always my biggest worry travelling; that my bag will get lost; not that I'll crash or get hijacked, and I saw the drug-sniffing dog too and it reminded me of Buddy and my bag must have still had the weed smell on my clothes from before because I'm pretty sure it had been inspected and ransacked as the "liners" inside had all been opened up! HA! F*ck. The flight was 3 HR 45 min. with a bit of heavy turbulance and I read a book which lasted the entire duration( perfect timing) and not full and no one in the 2 seats beside me or behind me (I was at the front,too, in the third row)and a lady finishing her last 6 months of law school was talking to me(I probably reminded her of her mother, except that I'm white) and the first thing I saw as I exited the airport were palm trees( my fave. tree) I love and even at 10 pm it was still 29 C and light rain( from the hurricane) and I could never be a Latina girl,either, as they're mostly sexy or slutty and I've never been either.

Even on the way to the airport my hubby was being mean to me as well and snarled at me, Just shut up! and I couldn't wait to get away from him fast enough and it was 11 pm when I got to the resort and I was beyond starving at that point but luckily they had snacks waiting for us and it was the most horrible pizza I've ever had but I didn't care I was just so hungry I ate 3 pieces! They're so cheap on the flight now they even charge you for cola( it used to be complimentary) only coffee and tea is "free", and even charge 25$ for carry-on, and when I arrived at customs they took digital fingerprints and I felt like an Interpol criminal!

Today I exchanged some money and  got 4 thousand pesos (90 USD) and it was a huge wad of cash wrapped in an elastic band and it made me feel rich, like a drug dealer or something, and 100 Pesos= 2 $ and I went to the beach just past 7 am, right after breakfast  and there were huge waves that knock you right over but you just have to "ride" them but they had a red flag up and kept telling everyone to get out of the water but once they weren't looking everyone just went back in( that's what we came for, afterall; the beach and to swim)It's off-season too so not too crowded, which is nice but I miss Buddy so much it hurts  and I can't stop thinking about him and feel guilty leaving him and hope he's still alive when I get back. I also took photos before my iPod battery runs out.

The waves were calling out to me and I love the sound as they crash against the shore and I don't feel so bad in my bathingsuit now,either as LOTS of people are waaay more fat than I am and I also lost so much weight my bathingsuit's now all loose, baggy and saggy and my titties keep popping out! I also enjoy fresh juicy mango( my fave!) where the juice drips right down your chin( yum!) and I went to the resort gift shop and bought a fridge magnet, a beach bag and towel. I also found out I know more Spanish than I realized and my fave. Spanish word is puta and I still have the bad stomach pain but I suspect as well I may have eaten something with pork. They do have diet cola here as well but it's only at the bar which doesn't open until 10 am and I can feel I'm dehydrated and not drinking enough. I also saw these cool trees(and took photos) and a nearby worker said, No eat! so if I have to poison myself to kill myself I know what to do!

Last night I watched the sunset at the beach, my Happy Place and where I find balance and peace.It would also just be so easy to just swim off into the surf as far as I can before I get tired and just let go and let the riptide carry me away.I also found I still had my lighter in my backpack from before that both secirity in Toronto and here missed and I ended up taking on board the plane(ooops!) ha, ha! I can also hear the waves hitting the beach from my balcony and I sit out at night and look up at the stars and watch the lightning( it only storms at night) and there's palm trees right outside my room and luckily I'm on the first floor( of 3 floors) so I don't have to walk up stairs( which would kill me, or at the very least give me a heart attack) and I think it's cool too that we all share the same moon no matter where in the world we live.

I also had a massive wave knock me right down( but just like in life I get back up again) and now I have a biiiig swollen bruise on my left leg(like my cousin had all over his legs from water skiing) and the waves are higher today and the tide came all the way up to my beach chair and got my bag all wet and almost washed my flip-flops away out to sea and it did wash in a tiny kids'-size Croc!(I  just hope that  the kid didn't get washed out with  it though!) The cats( gatos) are so big here too compared to home, with longer legs and some of the dogs look like coyotes, and I keep hearing the word perro-dog- and it reminds me of Buddy and makes me miss him even moreand he's the only one I miss and I worry about him even more than normal too as he's so old and at the end of his lifespan, and I go to the beach early, before the crowd( and before it gets too hot) and retreat to my room after luch during the hottest part of the day for my nap( siesta.)

I still watch the news as well ( on BBC) and it's also funny seeing the same cartoons that the kids used to watch, only in Spanish, and I got blisters on my feet from my flip-flops but luckily I remembered to bring Band-Aids, but I forgot to bring my sunglasses( duh!)and the salt water also healed the shingles( or whatever it was) on my back, and it's mostly Canadians here and no matter what I do I just can't seem to get away from those people( ha, ha) and in Toronto at the airport there still were some " Mask-Holes" too but no one here is that stupid, it's just so sad though how so many people live in fear with their masks, their vaccines, their sunscreen, etc; I live fearlessly! Alot of people are afraid of the big waves,too, but not me; I stand there and wait for them!

There's even a fine for swimming on Red Flag days,too, but when the Duty Officer isn't looking in I go; I've always been a rebel! The birds here also appear to be some sort of swallow and there's a trees at the beach that has some kind of edible fruit that resembles grapes, and I saw an old couple hugging in the pool and it was just so sweet; my hubby and I never had that and I seem to be the only one here alone here; it's all couples, friends, or familes, but I like the solitude and find it liberating and  peaceful.

I truly believe that we are witnessing the end times. I will never stop fighting against this evil. This is the hill I'm willing to die on.- Unacceptable Canadian Girl on Twitter


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