Friday, October 27, 2023

Big Pimpin'.

The 29 YR old bought a fur coat so now he looks like a pimp, ha, ha!  Big pimpin'!He also said one of the clubs is having what he called a Soup, Salad & Sodomy night and I'm pretty sure he got that wrong, unless, of course, nowadays "sodomy" has a whole new different meaning than what I know it to be and then he said it wasn't exactly "sodomy" he couldn't remember the word but it began with "S" and then later on remembered it was "sound", as in music. Whew, now I feel much  better! I had images of a Roman orgy or something! Today is also my hubby's birthday and the Old Geezer is now 60 and he always taunts me that I'm old even though he's 4 years older than me and today as well I still feel really sweaty and dizzy and I took apple cider vinegar for my sore throat,too, a natural remedy and disinfectant, only I didn't know you were only supposed to gargle with it and I actually drank it and it was just soooo disgusting (and I hate vinegar anyway) but thought nothing of it because medicine often does taste gross and  my stomach just felt so sick afterwards but it worked; my throat felt better! Buddy was also getting constipated again so I gave him more olive oil and peas and it helped. I think it will now have to just be a regular part of his diet.

I also found the Palestinian scarf I got in Gaza years ago, shown here, and I found out Trudeau's wife's BF is married ,too, so the bitch stole someone else's husband and his wife is now filing for divorce,  so she's a home wrecker, and I heard narcissists often withhold IT from their spouses too as a means of control so maybe that's why my hubby refuses to do IT  with me and has rejected me since I was prego with the youngest( who is now 16) either that or he just used me to create the kids, and what "gets" me too is that both him and my mother are also on the Spectrum and have issues with mental illness just like I do (and they're narcissists,too!) yet the kids still like them so why am I the only one they single out to hate? We also can't visit my mother this week,either because my hubby has to work but  it gives me a bit of a break,too, and if I DO have Strep it's probably better I don't visit,anyway. Having kids also feels like serving a Life Sentence, and and I remember too the 25 YR old when he was little liked Bob The Builder (I even drew it on his arm cast when he was 7 and he broke his arm on the trampoline) and he was always the one helping my hubby  doing repairs around the house and now his job is in construction, and when I was in Jr. High our parish priest was Father Morasse and my mother joked, More ass, less ass, a little bit of ass here and there and she used to actually be funny before she got old and mean.

Oh, she had to be free, Lord but Somehow I got to carry on, Lordy.-Lynyrd Skynyrd


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