Saturday, October 21, 2023


Here's a recent photo of the oldest and for some reason my hubby thought he was bald(I have no idea where he got that idea from! Look at that nice thick crop of hair!) and he told me that he's  "looking old and 'scruffy'" now too but I don't think so. He must be talking about himself. He really does need a new pair of glasses! He also stopped in the middle of grocery shopping yesterday to play pickleball; he's obsessed with it and it even takes priority over family obligations and he also got my mother the wrong thing,too; she'd asked for cheddar(cheese) Ritz crackers but he got her the plain ones (not paying attention and not reading the labels again) and he brushed it off saying she "should be grateful he got her anything at all" and I told him  why would she be "grateful" that he got the wrong thing  and not what she asked for,and when I said if he's lucky maybe she won't notice he said, Oh, I'm sure you'll tell her, "Look what that idiot did now!" HA! He's probably right though! He also taunts me that I "have no friends except for a dog" but he doesn't have any friends himself,either; he has this one friend at work but they never "hang out" or anything and just talk on the phone for work; he doesn't have any friends he does things with or calls up or anything ,either, so what can he say about me?

I also ordered more weed and I got a pumpkin spice  THC chocolate which was 4 tiny squares and I could just hear my mother in my mind saying, You paid 5$ for THAT? and look at the photo here above. This was how it was advertised along with the price and it appears that you get 6 doobies, right? Well, that's what I thought so I ordered 2, thinking I'd end up with 12.....but I only got 2. I got ripped-off!  It was actually only for one even though 6 were pictured! What the f*ck? I also noticed another neighbour ( the ones next-door to Mr.Sunflower) have 2 cannabis plants growing in their garden,too, mixed in with the hostas,  and I had a weird dream the 25 YR old had bad pain in his left side and it turned out to be his pancreas so I'm thinking of sending him an e-mail Check Your Pancreas just in case.I also found more last-minute bargains,too: Costa Rica for a week for 1200$ and Cuba(I'd go back again, I liked it) for just over 600$ so hopefully in the spring....I was also really sweaty during my afternoon nap yesterday,too. Menopause really sucks ass and my cough's so bad today I almost barf..

Last night the 29 YR old also went to an 80's theme party at a club and it's funny how  I used to just dress as a teen is now considered "Retro" and a "costume" and "dressing up" (but at least I was able to tell him what the 80's fashion actually was like because I lived it) it's just too bad he couldn't find any Swatch watches, rubber bracelets, or a sequin glove(he went to the Thrift store),, and it worries me when he goes out to 'Da Club Friday nights,too, as  nothing good ever comes from alcohol and nightclubs and it worries me he'll end up mugged, stabbed,or beaten up , drink too much,or fall in with bad people,etc. and the township had a clean up day at the parks and waterfront etc. picking up garbage( free slave labour) and I always thought they had prisoners to do that, picking up garbage by the side of the road but now the brainwashed enviro-freaks do it for free, and USA also vetoed a vote at the UN for a ceasefire in the Israel-Palestine conflict meanwhile Putin sent a plane full of relief aid to Gaza.
Tell me again who the "Bad Guy" is supposed to be here?

In my head I want to be free to do the things I want to do but my autism,bipolar,and depression always gets in the way.


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