Monday, October 2, 2023

Grow Your Own.

Yesterday I just noticed next-door had a dozen or so 7 foot cannabis (that's marijuana!) plants peeking up over our fence and I know they must be 7 feet tall because our fence is 6 feet and they were a good foot taller than that and one thing I DO know are flowers and plants and I know a cannabis plant when I see one! I now have a new respect for those people ...except they're drug dealers so I know they're selling it and there's a big difference between growing it for your own use(like the 28 YR old's boss does) and selling it to under-age kids! I also finally figured out what the old school bus in their backyard is being used for,too: a little greenhouse for more plants and it even has a hose hooked up to it! They have their very own grow-op! I'm not going to say anything; I mind my own business, unless, of course, they do something to attack me first; harm Buddy in some way or report us for something( not having a dog license, for example) and then I'd have "ammunition"; that's the way I operate; I won't bother you normally but if you attack me first then you'd better watch out because I'm going to hit you back twice as hard! That might also explain the "skunk" smell I always smell in the backyard(ha,ha) and I wonder too how they stop the squirrels and rabbits from eating their plants like they did with my sunflowers, which is why I just eventually just gave up I also took a photo (shown below) but it's hard to see but if you look closely in-between the trees ytou might be able to just see the top of a couple of the plants.

My mother's cousins also just recently celebrated 53 years of marriage and they got married right out of highschool(and now have 3 kids and 9 grandkids), just like my friend I (from grade 8) did and they're still ( happily!) married,too, and I heard a baby died from being circumsized (I guess from infection?) as well and I know some religions do it but I think it's barbaric mutilating them like that and I figure God put the foreskin on there for a reason and what's the difference between FGM ( female genital mutilation) and circumcision? It's cruel either way whether it's a girl or a boy and I never had any of my sons done(I prefer to leave things natural) and I can still remember hearing the piercing screams of agony of a boy in the nursery having it done. I remember my mother saying her girl cousins even had it done; they were living somewhere overseas and their dad made them have it when they were little, thinking it would make them more "virginal" but it didn't work because they all ended up with 2-3 marriages each. My stomach pain's also been really bad the past 2 days and feels like I've been kicked by a horse as well, and today and the next 3 days are supposed to be nice and warm 27 and 28 C and then a cold front is coming thru and dropping back to a more seasonal 13 C or so. The sun also doesn't rise now until later 7 am ( it used to be 5: 30 am or 6 am) so now I'm awake before the sun, and the 28 YR old got these hilarious slippers that look like lobsters. I remember seeing ones before that were fish and looked like trout.

I also asked my hubby to hang up the fly traps( all of a sudden we have a bunch of flies that came out of nowhere) and I've been asking him for 2 days and he snarled how come I can't do it and I just don't want to do it, etc. even though I'm not tall enough to reach and he said to stand on the bed except I'll fall and  so he finally did it(but I had to literally follow him around the house with the fly trap in hand) but as I was asking him for like the hundreth time he said I was being so rude interupting him as he "was talking" but I just need my voice to be heard and he's always either talking or on his phone or playing pickleball and I'm just always ignored and it also took 3 days too of asking him to get me something from the freezer downstairs so I could cook dinner(I can't go up and down the stairs without getting winded) and he still never did so the 16 YR old eventually brought it up for me and he says I "nag him to death" but he never helps me and the 28 YR old also said the 27 YR old is autistic (and I find that sometimes it's better NOT to tell people you are because then they see you as a retard and it's better to not say anything and just have them think you're weird) and all I know is that he's the most f*cked-up of all the kids and always has been; there's always been something "off" about him and not "right", even sinister, even when he was little, and I can't wait until I cross over to the Other Side,too, and then I'll no longer be left out or the last one picked to be asked to dance or for a gym partner or be the only one not invited or who doesn't get a valentine or a Christmas gift.etc.

Life keeps continuing whether you want to end or not.-Jack Toha


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