Sunday, October 29, 2023

Last Day.

Check out the cool moon last night! Yesterday was also probably our last day sitting outside as it got cold now and is supposed to stay that way now on but it was a perfect day! If Buddy and/or I die before spring it will also really actually be our last day sitting outside,too, for good,  but I hope I don't die before my endoscopy Tuesday because if you don't show up for your procedure they charge you a 300$ fine,and when a squirrel came on the porch Buddy barked, both to let me know we had an intruder and to tell the squirrel to f*ck-off as it was his territory and I also saw a squirrel in a tree who spotted a cat prowling down below and it started spazzing-out and loudly nattering, either telling the cat to beat it or warning his other squirrel friends danger was near, or possibly both. We also drained half the pool water out with a pump so when it freezes in winter and expands it won't crack the concrete.

Usually when I'm sitting outside a cardinal also comes to visit me every day too but yesterday it was a blue jay so I guess it was the cardinal's day off. 😂I also saw a teen on the street playing with his balls ( basketball and football) and he kept throwing them up in the air and one got stuck up into a tree and he used the other one to knock it back down and it made me laugh as it reminded me of when I was a kid and my balls,frisbee, and badminton birdie would get stuck in a tree or up on the roof and I'd throw up balls, shoes,sticks, rackets, etc. in an attempt to knock them back down which sometimes worked, other times not and I ended up with not only the original ball but then also more balls plus shoes, rackets, sticks, etc. up there as well and I bet when we moved from our old Toronto house there were still a large collection of balls, sticks, rackets, frisbees, birdies, etc. up on the roof and in the tree!

Weird,too: for about an hour or so yesterday I also strongly could smell the scent of my Babushka(who died around 20 years ago) her perfume, her clothes, her was really strong and permeated the entire area all around surrounding me and at first I just recognized it as a  familiar scent from my childhood and then remembered it was her scent and it made me wonder if maybe she came to visit me or maybe it was a sign of some sort  I'm dying soon and she's waiting for me? I also wonder if my sore throat might  even be tonsils or adenoids, esp. since my ears also ache as well and it's all connected; ENT, and I heard a radio ad for a new pizza place opening in town offering free pizza yesterday for 3 hours so my hubby and the 16 YR old went to check it out but the line was soooo long, at least 200 people in line so he said just forget it, and Buddy sneezed so hard it knocked him right over and he fell down.

  On the news I also saw pets dressed up in costumes for Satan's Day (Halloween) and it was just the most retarded thing ever; it's one thing for your short-haired dog to wear a sweater in winter because he's cold  but to dress them up in ridiculous costumes is undignified and something else entirely and I still can't believe my mother watched an occult movie,either, esp. being so close to dying( she's 82) you;d think she wouldn't want to piss-off God, and the actor who played "Bull" in the original Night Court back in the 80's (I loved that show!) died(he was 80) so now only 2 cast members left; the female baliff and the asshole lawyer; all the others have died now, at ages 65, 70, 75, and 80, from stroke, cancer, or heart-attack. So sad.

I've been to the mountain, left my tracks in the snow Where souls have been lost and the walking wounded go I've taken the pain no girl should endure Faith can move mountains of that I am sure But faith can move mountains of that I am sure.-Natalie MacMaster


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