Monday, October 30, 2023

Slow Day.

I found these nice socks I like, reminding me of the "Slouch" socks I had back in the 80's. I had several pair, in different colours but this one I really like, all mixed colours and very "winter"-like. Speaking of winter, yesterday we got either graupel or hail; whatever it was it wasn't rain, it was some kind of ice pellets you could clearly see it was ice and it made that funny sound coming down and hitting the ground and it bounced and this morning we have wet snow  and it's only 1 C. Most of my socks now have holes in them,too, so I have to get some nice warm  fuzzy socks for winter to replace them. I also asked the 29 YR old if I can borrow his fur coat for special occasions and he said I could rent it and even have a pay a deposit! He won't even let me borrow it for free, the cheap bastard! That kid should have been a gangster or lawyer! He also is using coffee grounds to try and get the "musty" smell out of it but now the whole house reeks of coffee which makes my stomach turn and literally makes me feel sick.I also heard an actor from that stupid show Friends died (after playing pickleball he drowned in his hot tub; I bet he had a heart-attack)and I never watched it; I've seen commercials and that was enough; it looked so dumb, just like Seinfeld, and just because something's popular I still won't watch it if I think it's stupid, just like The Simpsons.

My computer also changed the format to upload photos etc. and added a couple of more extra steps, making it even harder to do and taking much longer, so now when I do my memes and stuff it takes much longer to do. It used to take 30 minutes and now it's even longer because of the added steps( f*ck!) and tomorrow  morning is my follow-up endoscopy too and I'll wear my weed socks for laughs and when I got my colonoscopy last time  I should have bought a sequin or leather thong to make the medical staff laugh. In actual fact though I've never worn such slutty stuff and at my age it would make it even more hilarious. Maybe not visiting my mother this week (as my hubby had to work)might make her "appreciate" my visits even more,too, and not take them for granted, and and I used to love Israel and think they were the Good Guys,too, and I even went there ( I've been to Nazareth, Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Gaza, Golan Heights, Massada, Haifa,and Ashdod, and even been to a kibbutz) but what they're doing now razing Gaza and killing innocent Palestinian civilians  under the pretext of hunting terrorists is wrong and bombing Hamas' underground tunnels is also where the hostages are being held,too, so they'll end up killing their own people, or don't they care? Is it just collateral damage?

The saddest kind of love is unrequitted love. The story of my life.


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