Tuesday, October 24, 2023

The Chair.

We re-upholstered my mother's fave. wingback chair( shown here) she wants us to bring to her room at the LTC home. It was originally part of a set of 5 furniture we bought in 1985 when we moved back from L.A. when I was 18 and it originally had a beige and blue cornflower pattern in a sort of velvet pattern but the others were all lost in the fire in 1996 and this was the only remaining piece(as it was upstairs in the livingroom and the others were downstairs in the rec-room) and now it was all worn out, the fabric all worn off and you could see the wood underneath the arms. It's older than the kids! A week today I also get my follow-up endoscopy and my throat today and yesterday is really swollen and sore and full of "gunk" and it even hurts to swallow my pills now and my stomach, abdomen, and back pain is still really bad  and getting worse as well and my cough is also really bad and I also have a couple of canker sores( mouth ulcers) on my upper and lower lips,too. The Edmonton Boys also got snow, enough to cover the ground, but this week later it's supposed to get up to between 18 C and 23 C here and my mother said she's been really tired lately and has big bags under her eyes,too, so maybe her hemoglobin's low and they'll be taking blood this week.

Yesterday my hubby also had to work 23 hours  and he's been really fed-up with work lately  and wants to retire early( he turns 60 on Friday) but this would be the worst time to quit as we need his income even more now with our finances the way they are with the added expense of my mother's LTC home( 2 K a month) plus the loss of her income now as well but we still have bills to pay, and my hubby's paying off 2 of the kids' student loans they defaulted on(what assholes, I know, right?) he co-signed and plus I'd also lose my drug plan thru his employer,too! Yesterday I also got a surprise cheque in the mail from a class-action lawsuit from my former medical marijuana supplier sanctioned and licensed by the gov't ( for using "unauthorized"pesticides, just some enviro-freak crap) for 50$ which was a nice surprise!

I also love this couch, the style, the colour, etc.and my hubby brags that everywhere he goes people always make him special separate meals because he's picky and never eats what's served but I never do; I cook the one meal for everyone and he either eats the same thing as everyone else or he's on his own; I don't enable him being a picky eater  and it's NOT a restaurant; eat it or starve, and a Facebook friend wrote in her blog about a friend that died how she was a light in so many lives and it made me sad to think that no one will ever say anything nice like that about me when I die; they'll just be glad to be rid of me, and my entire life everyone always said and told me I was "weird" too and I'd ask them how, and for examples, to understand it better because I just couldn't see it and wanted to know why everyone always thought I was weird, and all they'd ever say is things like, I dunno, you're just....weird(I now know to be my autism and bipolar) and I remember at age 4 I'd always pretend to be a dog and the school was concerned and told my mother who just brushed it off as it being a kid just playing pretend(plus also embarrassed) when in reality at age 4 was when I started being molested by a relative and also started school (JK) two traumatic things both started at once I had to deal with alone, and that's some pretty heavy shit for a 4 year old, but I guess in my 4 year old mind dogs aren't molested and don't have to go to school.This time of year also reminds me of the Royal Winter Fair when I was in Kindergarten and I stuck my finger in a chinchilla's cage( my mother told me NOT to "or it will bite you!"  but you know how little kids are: Ooooh, soft! I gotta touch it! plus being autistic, and I even used to go up to women and touch their fur coats,too!) and it bit me. I still remember that.

An MP also got kicked out of caucas and can no longer speak at Parliament and got kicked out of her party and now sits as an independent just for posting Free Palestine on her own personal social media account and now they call her a "terrorist" "Pro-Hamas" a "Jew-hater" "anti-Semitic" etc. so now she's suing them for libel and defamation. Good for her! If you have the courage to speak the truth in this Fascist  shithole and it goes against the gov't narrative they censor, silence, fire, and punish you, just like the Nazis did, NO OPPOSITION ALLOWED, and someone online claimed that Free Palestine actually means free it of Jews and I told him it means free it from oppression  and not everything is a Jewish thing all the time and to stop playing the "Religion/Race Card", and yesterday in Toronto there was even a Jewish coalition group protesting the occupation in Gaza.

NOT all Jews support Israel just like not all white South Africans supported Apartheid, and Israel's "excuse" for razing Gaza(and killing over 5000 Palestinian civilians so far) is to get Hamas terrorists but it sounds like USA's excuse to invade Iraq; they said it was because they had "weapons of mass destruction" and even when proved they didn't they were still there,and then it was to topple Saddam Hussein and then once they killed him they were still there( it was really about oil) they just want to make war( now even attacking Syrian and Lebananese borders,too, and I remember when I was in Israel in the mountains I could look over and see Syria) and trying to wipe out Gaza and eliminate Palestine, and one man's "terrorist" is another man's freedom fighter, like the Resistance in WWII were the Good Guys, the freedom fighters but the Nazis thought they were subversives and the IRA were called terrorists,too, but they fought( and won!) for a free Irish state.Fighting tyranny doesn't make you a terrorist.

You aren’t responsible for obnoxious people who get angry because they misunderstood you and assumed bad intentions.-Shibetoshi Nakamoto


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