Friday, October 13, 2023

The Tackiest Thing Ever.

I saw this advertised online and it has got to be one of the most tackiest  things I have ever seen! A gaudy cat chair! Not only because I don't like cats but it's just plain ugly, god-awful,tacky, and cheap-looking and to think that there's actually people out there that would waste their $$$ on it and buy it! HA! People with more money than sense!(cents....get it?) I also found out a group of butterflies is called a cluster and my entire life I always called it a flutter; a flutter of butterflies, so I guess all this time it wasn't even a real word, just a word I made up and like a Monarch butterfly I alo "migrate" alone( not in a group or with others) like to Cuba, Jamaica, Dominican Republic, and yesterday my ears were also "achy" too so I must be getting a cold. Ugh.

I can also tell the temps are getting colder now because my coconut oil in the bathroom(I use on my skin to moisturize) has now turned from a liquid to a solid(science!)  and every morning when I get up I also always say to Buddy, Where can I find the Best Dog in the world? and I pretend to look around and then I see him and pick him up and say, Oh, there he is! and give him his good morning kiss, and it's hard to believe too a month yesterday I left for my trip and I can't believe a month has gone by already and when you're a kid a month seems to take forever but as an adult it goes by in no time(so does a year!) and I noticed as well now with my mother no longer living here it's NOT as messy and cluttered in the house,either, without her here hoarding so I guess the most of the mess was hers.

I also saw this and it cracked me up(and notice too how his dog is named Buddy and looks like a Dachshund), esp. as the kids used to watch Franklin when they were little and I remember too making up funny "joke" titles for fake episodes like Franklin Gets High, Franklin Gets Mugged, Franklin Gets Laid, Franklin Gets Arrested, Franklin Goes To Rehab,etc and my friend O( from grade 10) who also happens to be Jewish and from Israel is also  now a highly respected psychologist with a PhD (he even gets consulted and interviewed on the news)only now he's been discredited and "blacklisted" due to PC, and "Woke-ness"  indoctrination and propaganda that he refuses to follow and abide by and speaks out against and it just gets me so mad how your entire career, reputation,and livelihood can be destroyed like that just because you won't bow down and conform to the Fascist gov't's narrative and because you speak out, have your own mind and your own opinion and won't follow the narrative,and I also heard a pilot for Air Canada got fired too for being pro-Palestinian ( he is Arab himself) and everyone slurred him calling him an "anti-Semite" a "Jew hater" "terrorist" etc.just for defending an oppressed people! So much for free speech in this shithole!
Hitler would be proud.

Today has also been called out as a day of Jihad (Islamic Holy War) on behalf of the oppressed Palestinians in Gaza and it would coincide perfectly with the beginning of the Great Tribulation, also predicted by a prophecy to begin today(our world is just so f*cked), and now the Israeli gov't is starving out the civilians in Gaza, too, shut off water, electricity, food,and fuel to the territory and NOT allowing medical or humanitarian aid in; that's genocide; they want to wipe out the Palestinians completely.....yet if Russia tried that with Ukraine there would be a strong world outcry but for this.....
The world just turns a blind eye.
Because they're Muslims.
and have brown skin.
Shame on the world.
I also saw an online post yesterday saying, No, your Jewish friends are NOT doing OK today. My reply:
Your Palestinian friends aren't doing so well, either.
The worst thing about war is that it's always the innocent civilians on both sides that suffer the most.

Now when I'm gray and old And my story is told I know what the people will say They'll be glad to see me go.-George Thorogood


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