Tuesday, October 10, 2023

They Can All Just F*ck Off!

Yesterday we went to visit my mother( my hubby, the 16 YR old and I) and the 28 YR old said he was going to as well for Thanksgiving which was a nice sentiment and I said it was up to him but it might not be a good idea considering she said she "never wants to see him ever again" after his euthanasia comment and she'd be mean to him and they might start fighting so he decided against it and then my hubby ripped into me saying he was trying to be nice and I "ruined" it even though I was only warning him just trying to avoid a confrontational situation for everybody and on the drive there I was also asking him if the bills were paid yet and he got enraged and started raging at me to shut up and both him and the 16 YR old yelled at me and he said I always go on and on and on and ordered me to not speak for the rest of the drive( you can imagine how that went and I won't be ordered to do anything by him or anyone else) and the 16 YR old even kicked the back of my chair and when I told him to have some respect he mocked me by saying he's a "free spirit"(like he knows I am) and threatened to throw my mother's flowers out the window! What a little shit! He's copied to abuse me just like he sees my hubby doing!They're both the same and they deserve eachother.

At that moment I just had the overwhelming urge to just open the door, unbuckle my seatbelt and just jump out of the car onto the highway into oncoming traffic.

I'm so done with them and their shit. 
The only reason that I didn't is I won't leave Buddy, and I esp. won't leave him with them, esp. after how they were with him when I was away on my trip. I worry if I die before he does that they'll just discard him on the street like garbage or dump him off at the shelter. That thought just breaks my heart and I won't allow it.I have to wait until he dies and then I can join him. I'd hope at least if I do first they'd at least give him to Patti. Even though we're not friends anymore I know she loves him and will take good care of him. I just hope and pray God gives us the mercy of taking us both together. The 16 YR old also made this odd comment that I 'married' Buddy 7 years ago  and what exactly is that even supposed to mean,anyway? Marry a dog? That's just gross, not to mention ridiculous! What does that even mean? Or is he just being a little asshole?

My hubby also said him and the boys have already "got it all planned out" to sell the house and move into an apt. when it's NOT even his to sell and when I refuse to move! This is my home and I'm not going anywhere! I love my backyard which is my sanctuary and I HATE apartments ( no privacy and it's noisy)and will NEVER move back to one ever again and going from home ownership to an apt. is going backwards I wouldn't be able to have a dog, a backyard, and where would I be able to smoke weed? I'd have NOTHING IN LIFE! There's no way! 
F*ck that!
I've told him before when I die they can do what they want but until then I'm not moving and we're not selling the house. It wouldn't surprise me if they've also already plotted a way to get "rid" of me so they can sell even though when my mother dies it goes to me and then divided among the kids; it's never his to sell. He even taunts it'll go into foreclosure if not so I'll have to move either way.
F*ck him.
F*ck them all.
I think it might be time to consult a lawyer .
I won't be forced out of my home.

My mother also said she's had a few more "episodes" of being short of breath so now she has an oxygen tank at the back of her wheelchair "just in case" and she said a 96 YR old there had 13 kids and is one of 23 kids herself and another lady got kidney failure from a medication and is now on dialysis 3 times a week.

You're headed for a beautiful disaster.-JJ Wilde


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