Saturday, November 18, 2023

A Day In The Life.

Here's more things on my Wish List  I like but will never buy(ha,ha) but if I was rich like Elon Musk I would buy ALL of them!! 2 days ago it was an amazing 12 C and Buddy and I even got to sit outside and I saw my Angel Bird again but next week/this upcoming week we're supposed to get our first major snowstorm I think Wednesday or Thursday(but at least I got my boots in time and we got the snowtires on the car!) and yesterday the 29 YR also had his first in-car driving lesson and he had the same instructor his older siblings had( although he's also probably the only driving instructor in this Bumble-f*ck hick-ass town) and he said Buddy "smells like vinegar" which he does as I put apple cider vinegar on him daily to help with the mange, and last night I had this nightmare I couldn't find him and I was looking around everywhere for him( a recurring dream I have alot) and when I found him he was missing an eye! I also had a salted caramel chocolate truffle and it was just the most divine heavenly experience my mouth ever experienced; it was ethereal. I can imagine that must be what crack cocaine or heroin must be like in terms of pure pleasure.

Yesterday my friend J ( from the YMCA group in Ottawa) also turned 65 and I first knew him when he was 30( we're all so old now!) and I can still remember him, in the most autistic way, saying to me when I first met him, Hi, my name is J. Will you be my friend?  but he is also the purest, kindest, most gentlest soul  and decent human beingI know, with childlike innocence, and I reached in a drawer in the bathroom for a cotton ball and got poked in the finger right at the tip by a pin  I didn't see and it got stuck right in and was bleeding like a stuck pig, and last night I was laying on my bed grooving to music and I saw my aura on the ceiling and it was a beautiful marbled  iridescent and I still haven't been invited to go with my hubby and the boys to go with them to visit on their Christmas trip but I wouldn't leave Buddy home alone for 3 days anyway; he needs to be fed and taken outside to go to the bathroom and the other day a teen was walking by the front of  our house while I was out on the porch doing the garbage or something and he said, I love your(Christmas) lights! and my hubby moved my Muskoka chair putting them up and never put it back and I got all bent out of shape because the "vibe" was wrong(like Feng Sheui) and it was out of "balance" so I put it back.

This morning I also had my fave. jasmine bath bomb and I soaked and luxuriated in it and I got Advent calendars for everyone like we do every year, our Christmas tradition, just like I had when I was a kid only back then they weren't a "thing" like they are now and were much harder to find and you could only find them at the German deli,  and our house insurance bill also came and my hubby was shocked to see it's 2500$ but he has to come up with the $$$ somehow( my mother used to pay it) and said the house is 3000 square feet which, apparantly, is big, and hopefully he'll get a good Christmas bonus at work that will cover it but I know God always provides somehow, and the Courts overturned  the Fascist Gov't ban on plastic straws, bags, etc. as unconstitutional (they're always trying to ban, regulate, outlaw, and control everything in this shithole) so hopefully soon we can get our plastic straws, bags, forks, etc, back, and I've also been really sweaty that past 2 days as well( sweaty enough I want to take my shirt off!) menopause really sucks, and the other day I almost gave Buddy a good swift kick,too: it was dark and  I saw a shadow of a small animal moving in the hallway(I thought he was in his bed) and I thought it was a cat or raccoon or something that had come in from outside and I was going to "get" it but as it got closer I realized it was Buddy! Oh, my God! Words can't even begin to describe how horrible  I felt......or how relieved I was that I didn't kick him!

Every family is dysfunctional in their own special way.


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