Sunday, November 12, 2023

Christmas & Diwali.

I decorated for Christmas and this one really reminds me of decorations in the 70's when I was a kid and brings back happy nostalgic memories, and today also starts 5 days of Diwali, the Indian festival of lights, with light over darkness, where good triumphs over evil and yesterday they had a big Diwali festival in Toronto with amazing food, fireworks,music and dance I would have absolutely loved to have gone to but I know my hubby wouldn't have taken me as it's too far( 2 HR drive each way) plus he also had pickleball and Dungeons & Dragons. I bet the ultimate would be to celebrate it in India, which I still haven't given up hope on and still have a desire to go. I was also listening to my retro Flashback radio show yesterday when it was rudely interrupted for 30 minutes by some stupid Remembrance Day crap honouring war mongers and they didn't even just have it go longer to make up for it, they just cut it off and I missed 30 minutes of it and boy, was I ever mad, but luckily they re-played it later at night so I was finally to get the part I missed in the morning. I also saw a soldier on TV last night and his actual last  name was Major which I think was pretty funny.

I also finally found the blouse I want my hubby to order for my birthday( shown here) in my size( it's a Plus size so I know it's a big size and will actually fit and NOT be too small) and it comes from Mexico too so I know it's authentic (and anything from China I'm "suspicious" of, not only the quality or not getting  what it looked like in the photo but being too small as they're always sized smaller)and a good price as well, and my hubby had the nerve to say to "wait until after my doctor's app't" (in case I DO have cancer and am dying so he doesn't "waste" his $$$ and when I mentioned that to my friend B she said he's a 'real asshole") and I told him even if so I still want to be able to enjoy it for as long as I can and then one of the girls can have it so it's still not a "waste" either way so he ordered it and it's supposed to arrive the end of Dec. and my birthday is early Jan. so it works out.The oldest also somehow thought I was born in Ottawa and my hubby in Cobourg( although we did live there but we've lived in many places) but I was actually born in Toronto and him in Pembroke, and this morning I thought there were mice turds floating in my bath water but it ended up to just be lavender seeds  from my body wash!HA!😂

One thing I also want to do before I die is to get another tattoo; the image seen here, a mix of a sunflower and cannabis plant, 2 things I love,either on my upper back or upper arm, and when I do die my hubby will be happy,too, because he can finally sell the house like he wants,(and be rid of me,too) and lately my fatigue is sooo overwhelming and bad too I can barely even keep my eyes open and always feel like to fall asleep, and yesterday as the 16 YR old was having a shower upstairs the 29 YR old told me there was water under the ceiling fan in the living room which we've had before from when the shower leaks down from upstairs down thru the ceiling below so I told him I don't have to go look; I believe him as I've seen it before
so then he says,You HAVE TO COME AND LOOK! and I asked Is there enough to fill a bucket? and he said there was....
so I was like, Oh, shit.....
and I stopped what I was doing on the computer and "ran" in....
....and I saw 6-8 or so water bottles all arranged in a circle under the ceiling fan!
water under the ceiling fan.
I had been "pranked!"
Ha, ha, very "funny!"
I can also remember when I got my first credit card (American Express) when I was 16 and then also had Master Card and Visa over the years and "graduated" to Gold Card and then Platinum and now Black, I guess because I don't spend more than I have and always pay my full bill at the end of the month and don't go into debt.

But I won't do, as no Romans do, Even though I'm in Rome. And I won't say, what no wicked say, Here in Babylon.-Ten Foot Ganja Plant


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