Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Daily Doses Of Life.

It's cold enough now to wear my Rasta hoodie( shown here) aka "Drug Rug" I bought in Mexico and pretty soon I think my parka, mitts and hat, and maybe even boots, and this morning when I woke up it was - 5 C and some places are even forecasted snow! I also noticed on all my fingernails I have raised, ridged bumpy lines, which can indicate poisoning, such as arsenic, so it makes me wonder if my hubby might be putting some sort of poison into my food or drink, which may also explain my abdomenal pain, etc.and Buddy is so old now,too( he turns 18 in Feb) he has cataracts, his face is grey, he's practically blind and deaf, he's lost most of his fur and teeth now, he has arthritis and can barely walk and he limps and hobbles along slowly, is incontinent at times, and has this huge hernia that almost hangs down to the ground but to me he's still the most beautiful dog in the world.Getting him was the best thing I ever did.

I think I also need new glasses as when I first saw this( preemie babies) I honest-to-God thought that they were newborn baby mice, and insurance only paid 100$ for the 16 YR old's new glasses as well, saying it "hasn't been quite 2 YRS yet" ( they only cover it every 2 years) as the exact 2 year mark isn't until next month, so it's just a month away, but not good enough for them so what my hubby's doing is just submitting part of the claim now, the 100$ they will cover and just submitting the rest next month in December when the 2 years time is "up" and they'll cover the rest. Stupid, I know, and it's still the second year, as he got them in 2021 and it's now 2023.I can still remember too when I was a baby being in my pram( baby carriage, and I even had the same old-fashioned one for my dolls later) and having a tiger tail hanging in my crib, which my mother confirmed and said the gas station had a tiger mascot and a slogan We put a tiger in your tank and gave out soft plush 'tiger tails" as a promotional thing she hung on my crib. It's funny I can still remember that but not what I just came into the room for!

I also see this alot now on Facebook  now,too, unable to view things due to this Fascist shithole and it banning, controlling, regulating,and censoring everything, you know, sort of like the Nazis did, with-holding information from their citizens, which is how the vast majority of Germans really had no idea what was really going on, and I notice now I'm older( in my 50's) I can't lose too much weight,either, or else I look even older and sick as then I have loose baggy skin, so I actually look better and healthier now if I'm fatter, and a Facebook friend and her hubby and baby are in Guam, visiting her hubby's family, and it was a 22 HR flight(and 15 HR time difference,so she's going to be really jet-lagged!) just like to Asia or Australia, and I can't even imagine a 22 HR flight with a 1 YR old( luckily she said he slept most of the time) and I don't start travelling with my kids until they're 8, and even then with the second-youngest (now 20)she'd just turned 8 when we took her on a cruise and she was ok for the first week but the second week she was homesick and whiny and bratty and miserable I was tempted to just leave her in port!

These are also photos of an apartment ( not a house, but just an apartment!) in St. Petersburg( when I was there in the mid080's it was called Leningrad, and has also been called Petrograd) and I just love  that style of architecture of the ceilings and walls; so opulent, intricate, and just like they have in the royal palaces, and I also heard that Jewish scholar Lubavitcher Rebbe said that in Jewish theology they believe that there is a Messiah in every generation and I think that makes sense,too, and would explain Buddha, Jesus, and Mohammed, and how they were all great spiritual teachers of their time period and culture, and I wonder who it is for this generation and in this time period? Rastafarians think it was King Hailie Selassi. The 29 YR old also hates my mother making him pay(minimal) rent and says he "bleeds him dry" when she only charges him 30$ a week(which is nothing) and then I found out it's actually my hubby who is also charging him 300$ a month( which is still reasonable considering the average rent for a 1 bedroom apt is 2500$ not incl. bills) so he's mad at the wrong person; he thinks it's her when it's really him! So all this time it was my hubby charging him and just let him think (and blame) her!

You can't help who you love. Or who you don't.


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Wordless Wednesday.