Thursday, November 23, 2023

Finding My Way Thru A Movie.

Yesterday I saw the new Hunger Games movie The Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes . I thought I had it all figured out.....except that I didn't. That's the problem with people "like me"; movie plots can get very complicated and confusing and hard to understand and follow along with and with this one I totally misunderstand the plot, or at least the main characters. 
This movie is actually a prequel to the Hunger Games series whereas I thought it was following the collapse the fall of the evil President Snow and the Capital but, in actual fact, it showed what made Snow who he became; his backstory, but at first I thought it was the story of his son after the President's death, trying NOT to be like his father when it was actually the president himself as a young man and how he became evil later on, sort of like how they showed Darth Vader 's backstory in the Star Wars series when he was a young Anakin Skywalker. This was similar, when he was young he was actually a good guy who tried to help the tributes and make a difference but then he fell in love with the tribute he mentored and it turned out that she just used and betrayed him and broke his heart and it turned him cold and heartless which I was heartbroken to see and I didn't like the ending and wanted to change it. I really wasn't expecting that. I thought their love was real(so did he!) and had no idea she was bad all along and just using him.

 I felt so badly for the poor guy, esp. when he sacrified so much for her and so they could be together. Then I also wondered if she really did or if he just went paranoid after the snake bite and imagined it but then the scene with his mother's shawl he gave her she just disrespectfully left in the mud and put a snake there to bite him(and left him out in the woods with a gun, as if to survive on his own like she had to before) made me think yeah, it was on purpose. I had to read a few movie reviews afterwards to get the plot straight. The same for the Games Master( the little guy) I wasn't sure if he killed himself or if Snow did it( it turned out Snow poisoned him) and it was cool too the girl had skirts very similar to the one I'm getting for my Christmas gift and blouses like the one I'm getting for my birthday! It was a good movie though and I liked it; I just didn't like the ending as I was hoping for a real love story where they, well, you know.....lived Happily Ever After and it was sad to see a Good Guy turn bad.

Last night after I went up the stairs( breathless like always) going up to bed I just collapsed ( it felt sort of  like un-doing the valve in an air mattress and letting all the air out and it just deflates) as well  as soon as I got to the top in front of my bedroom door and I was carrying Buddy too but I could feel I was weak and going down and couldn't go on any further so I bent forwards and put him down so he only "fell" a short bit off the ground and he yelped( probably scared more than anything) and I landed on all-fours and got a scraped up knee and elbow and now my leg and arm hurt.This morning(today is also the second-oldest's birthday; she's 33) I also had to wash my hair by bending forwards under the tub tap as I can't get my tattoo(on my upper mid-back) wet until it all scabs over and falls off(I have to keep it dry) as I normally just lean backwards under the bath water to wash my hair but I must have accidently hit the shower button on the faucet (my eyes were closed)as the shower water still all came raining down and my back got all wet anyway and then getting dressed I knocked the toilet plunger over and it got blue toilet-puck dye stained on my clothes,too. F*ck, I'm such a doofus and klutz, and on top of that my hubby used up all the hot water this morning for his shower so I didn't have any for my bath,either, so that's how my day's going so far.
I hope yours is better.

Everybody deserves somebody who makes them look forward to tomorrow.-Esther The Wonder Pig.


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