Tuesday, November 14, 2023

God Loves The Charitable.

Yesterday we got these Tim Hortons Smile cookies where all proceeds go to help local charities and God loves the charitable and we love the cookies so it's a win-win! The 29 YR old says it's really just a tax write-off  but I can totally understand and respect that; who wants to pay taxes? My hubby also said only I like the cookies but again, no, he was wrong; the 16 and 29 YR old like them,too; I only ate 2 of them and the rest were all gone by last night. We also have flies in the house again I have no idea where they keep coming from and I thought it was too cold now for flies to survive, and I gave Buddy a much-needed bath and got an app't to get a tattoo next Tuesday; I'd wanted to for awhile now but seeing that I might have cancer  gave me more of a sense of urgency and  made me realize that time could be running out and life is short and I'm going to do what I want and get things I like now,instead of waiting and just letting my $$$$ stay in the bank and I don't get to enjoy it, and not just leave it to my kids because the way they treat me(they don't even bother to call me or send me a card on Mother's day) those assholes don't deserve it.I also ordered something on the Dark Web but they only took PayPal which,of course, I don't have but my hubby does but I couldn't ask him because I don't want him to find out but I found another place I could do E-Transfer so I ordered it and I just hope it comes by courier and NOT regular mail in case they inspect and confiscate it, being black market and all, and it also gives me great satisfaction too that I've always had a secret life even before I met my hubby and had kids that they know nothing about. It's just my secret and something that's just mine they've never been a part of.

My hubby also ordered this pretty floral crown for my anniversary gift and complained shipping cost almost as much as the item but in this shithole we're always over-charged for shipping, oftentimes costs even more than the item and he said it's for weddings but I like to wear it just like a Hippie, BoHo headband, very fairy or elf-like, esp. with my flowing gauze clothing, and I accidently dropped a mini potato on the kitchen floor while mixing in the olive oil and herbs but like Whitey Bulger said, If no one saw it, it didn't happen and poor Buddy has this big hole in his upper gums (I rub Anbesol on it for pain)where his big tooth fell out and you can see right thru to the other side and the big tooth on the other side is really loose and going to fall out as well, and I saw someone from the old LDS church on the news last night,too, he's now Platoon Chief of the fire dept. in Toronto, and I was baptized 3 times: Catholic as a baby and Jehovah's Witness and LDS as an adult, and I left because of doctrinal issues, things that just don't sit "right" with me, bizarre practices, for being chastized for questioning things or having my own opinion, contradictions and inconsistances, etc. and now I worship God in private, without the rules, expectations, and constraints of organized religion.My hubby also said I "stink" after I came inside from smoking weed and I replied that he's so "good" to me and so "kind" with his "compliments" and "terms of endearment."

Scars mean you survived and are stronger than whatever tried to kill you.


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