Monday, November 27, 2023

Here And Now.

I visited my mother last night and now she kept going on a tangent how she wants to come over on Christmas Eve as well and cook a big 95$ turkey  and ham even though I did perfectly fine myself cooking dinner on Thanksgiving doing the 4 turkey breasts and all the other things  and I can do the same for Christmas dinner too, but she kept on insisiting and saying she'll pay for it when I said it's unnecessary and we don't need that much food(and she can't even lift  a big turkey anymore, let alone cook it!) as it's just us this year ad  no one's coming up to visit and we can't afford it but she insisted and was obsessed and my hubby finally just told her she just doesn't have the $$$ anymore like she thinks, like she used to, and said she just has a bit over 300$ in her bank account now. She also said one of the crazy residents there beat up a nurse and the cops had to come but said she was 'glad" as it was "the bitchy of them", one she doesn't like, and she also said she rarely naps anymore now,either, so maybe now her kidney infection cleared up, or the doctor lessened her meds or she's not depressed anymore she's not as tired now,and she said the LTC is her Home now,too, and we also got caught in the stupid parade on the way home and the roads were closed and had to go another way to avoid it, and I used to dread having to go visit her but now it's actually not so bad we get along better now she no longer lives here with us and I actually don't mind it.

My Australian friend who had her gallbladder out yesterday also stays in the hospital for 3 days and when I had mine out they kicked me out after only 4 hours(everything is day surgery here) and she also said she has good  pain management and antibiotics thru the IV line to prevent infection and all I got was lousy Tylenol! Everything in this shithole is always so half-assed all the time! My hubby says since I hate it so much and always complain why don't I just move and I wish I could but it's not that easy; I can't afford it and moving costs alot more than just travelling, and now he says when he retires he hopes to get certified as a pickleball instructor too to make $$$ and teach chess online(but it won't be enough to pay the bills and I worry now we might even have to let the home insurance go as we don't have the 2600$  to pay it even though when we had the fire before we were glad we had it) and I keep getting e-mails from Victoria's Secret  too even though I've never even shopped there once or ever even worn slutty underwear or lingerie once in my entire life so it's weird they keep sending me e-mail and lately it feels like death is coming closer and closer too, and like I can almost reach out and touch it.It turned out I was also right about "The 2 Michaels"; the 2 Canadian guys China arrested on espoinage charges the gov't paid for their release; they denied being spies and the gov't said China made it up and just did as "revenge" but I always thought they were and it turned out that they were, explaining why upon their release it also all just went silent, no interviews or media follow-ups.I always thought the whole thing was "fishy" and I was right.

The other day I was also watching a movie and the strangest thing happened but it only lasted for a few minutes: for a few minutes I couldn't understand a thing they were saying, even though it was in English, a language I know well, but to me it sounded like it was in some foreign language I couldn't understand, and it was just so weird and then awhile later it was fine and I could understand it again, and I met a guy online the other day too who actually really and truly believes that the Earth is flat (I'm NOT joking!)  there's really people that believe that shit,and saw a TV commercial for menstrual products where they actually said for menstruating people, incl. binary and trans-women which is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard! Only biological women can get periods; it's just simple biology! Call yourself whatever you want, but the world has just gone batshit crazy! I also saw a video of 2 Dachshunds thrashing a snake in their yard but they are natural-born hunters( bred to hunt badgers in their burrows) and have very strong prey drives( Buddy likes to hunt mice and chipmunks) and someone commented they knew of a Doxie where a husky came into his yard to "get" him and the Doxie ripped the husky's throat out and another where a Doxie killed a German Shepherd.
Don't judge by size. 
They're small, but mighty.
 Doxies have moxie!

In reality,our lives are shaped by memories that no longer exist, leaving only the present moment.-Virgil Garrett


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