Sunday, November 19, 2023

My Stash.

Here is my most recent chocolate stash, my holiday version: the most wonderful goodies from Italy and Belgium. I also normally get the seasonal Toblerone from Switzerland and the marshmallow chocolate-coated Santas. There is absolutely no doubt whatsoever that chocolate is my fave. food in the entire world! I even went to a small family-owned chocolate factory in Belgium once where as part of the tour they gave out samples.It also makes me laugh how Americans think that their shit-less crappy Hersheys (which tastes like a bar of soap!) is "good" chocolate. HA! Cadbury from the UK is the best.No one, and I mean no one, does chocolate like Europeans. My friend B also said now I have the Cougar boots that I'm a "cougar"( ha,ha) and a pink fleshy gelatinous thing floated to the surface of my bath water and I was worried that whatever it was came from out of me, like out of my ass or something but it turned out it was just the "skin" from my bath oil bead, and I also asked Google why my pussy has this really strong "fishy" odour and it said my "vaginal 'flora' is out of balance" 
.Out of balance.
Yes, Google, I know.
Just like my life.
Just like me.

A friend from South Africa who now lives in Panama with her family have also applied for permanant residency here in this shithole and I warned her it's not a good idea and told her how it's really like  here(and NOT like the "utopia" it falsely portrays to the world); so outrageously expensive to live with rent and food prices unaffordable, high taxes, long wait times for healthcare and doctor shortages, half-assed inept gov't services, limited freedom for protesting and freedom of speech and opinion and how you can even be arrested for protesting or speaking out against the  Fascist gov't "narrative" and all the Political Correctness and Wokeness crap and even be arrested for "Hate crimes" if you "offend" a particular group,not to mention the vaccine mandates and  oppression during the Covid "scamdemic", and how the tyrannical gov't always bans, regulates, and controls everything,etc. I told her that they're better off just staying where they are and how many new immigrants end up leaving.I can still remember my 2 fave. priests,too: in Ottawa he was older, in his 60's and he eventually left the church and got married(I hope he's happy) and when he got re-assigned earlier to another parish my mother and I even switched churches to be where he was, and a younger one who was so kind and compassionate he's the kind of person it's easy to fall in love with he had such a kind generous heart and it's too "bad" he's a priest because he would have made someone a good husband and father.I've never met someone so compassionate.

I also found this I like but will probably never get, and another thing I want to do again before I die is go on a sailboat again(I've been sailing a few times before and there's just something so majestic and serene about being on the water) and yesterday Buddy and I were home all alone on the main floor and I heard someone walking around upstairs which was kind of creepy, and it makes me laugh to think my kids would think I'm the female version of "Archie Bunker" (minus the racist part) a grumpy , loud, opinionated old fart always griping about something and loudly yelling at the TV, and it's weird too how I rarely get high( I really just had that one mind-blowing earth-shattering experience that once years ago but I did see music, taste colour, see walls breathing in and out, and everything expanding and vibrating, I "left" my body and was "One" with the universe,etc.) but it doesn't really affect me and my theory is being autistic and bipolar my brain is just "wired" differently and drugs don't "work" on me like they do for other people, maybe also explaining why all my suicide attempts have failed( even taking over 50 morphine pills and injecting an entire "tube"/pen of insulin which should have killed anyone else)...either that, or maybe I'm "immortal"  and just can't  BE killed and won't die, which I hope NOT!! In any case, the next time I attempt( and we all know that there will *eventually* be a next time; it's just a matter of when) I'll just have to try another method, one that doesn't involve pills or drugs. 

I also finally got my BP meds re-newed after running out for the past month but the pharmacist also made the mistake of re-newing my original Omeprazole ulcer pills I'm NOT supposed to still be taking now I have my new Pantoprazole I'm to take instead; I'm NOT supposed to take both together as they inter-act; and the pharmacist should have known that by looking at my file! Holy shit! Mohammed could have killed me, but luckily I know about medications and side-effects and inter-actions, etc.and someone from Home Care also called the other day and her name was Mika  which I thought was a really pretty name and I told her so and she said she's German and Dutch but her parents were hippes and gave her a Japanese name and she was asking if my mother decided to stay in her LTC home or still wants to remain on the list for the other homes for 6 more months and I said I'm pretty sure she's happy and settled where she is but I'll ask her today when I visit her.

All we are is dust in the wind.-Kansas


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