Monday, November 20, 2023

Slices of Life.

I visited my mother yesterday and she said one of her friends died; she was 94 and she also said a man she knew( also in his 90's) died as well but it's hard to feel too sad when people that old died as they've lived a long life and had a good run and everyone has to die sometime At least she died peacefully in her sleep which is how I want to go. She also said she has a couple of her things she took after she died I thought was horrible; like a grave robber, taking things from a dead woman, and she had me give her a haircut as well, not wanting to pay 30$-plus for the hair stylist that comes in to the LTC ( but she didn't pay me!) and we both put on the medical gowns so we wouldn't get hair all on our clothes and they're long-sleeve,too! She also now walks (using a walker) and NOT a wheelchair going to and from all her meals to the dining room now as well(but still the wheelchair all other times but it's still progress) and she just noticed yesterday I don't have any eyebrows even though I've shaved them since at least the summer! HA! They're also starting to play Christmas music on the radio now too and that's the only "sappy" music I'll listen to and every time I hear Johnny Mathis or Nat King Cole ( her faves.) it makes me think of her and kind of sad that she's not here anymore at Christmas time even though(and reminds me of long-ago memories) we get along much better now we don't live together.

Today my right kidney also really hurts(as well as everything else, not instead of) and I also had these weird dreams my dead aunt visited me(I've had them quite often recently) which is odd since she was mean(I called her Poison Ivy) and always picked on me and we never got along and another one the 29 YR old was a little kid and at swimming lessons at a public place( like the oldest 2 had before we had our own pool) and a bigger kid kept trying to drown him and he begged me to not make him go back(so he didn't) but before we left I strangled  the bully to unconsciousness almost to the point of death before I let him go and told him to leave him alone and to stop picking on little kids!. I also saw a neon sign on a self storage place last night where the "sto" part was broken and instead of self storage it said self rage! I can relate to you,sign, I can relate.😂

Yesterday the 29 YR old also forgot he had skeet with his boss until his boss showed up at the door, and there he was in his just his underwear and socks so he had to quickly jump into some clothes and  leave and on his way out he told me he'd ordered some groceries to be delivered which is good he told me or I'd open the door some time and see bags of groceries there on the vernada and think the food bank dropped us off a donation!😂 I also mentioned about how Elton John's a pedophile and he said, I thought he was gay? and I told him he is; he's a gay pedophile that likes little boys so I guess he thought all pedophiles were straight, and I also found out there's a new Hunger Games movie out now,too,(I want to see) as 2 of my cousins in Europe just saw it yesterday,and I feel like a failure with all my kids hating me too but then I realized that's actually NOT the "definition" of "failure" afterall; alot of people's kids hate them; it doesn't mean anything, other than disrespectful ungrateful asshole kids that have no idea how much I actually did for them and went thru and it says alot more about them than it does about me and even though my mother and I don't get along I'm still a dutiful daughter that fulfills my obligations to her.

When you're old being alive is tiring in itself.


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