Saturday, November 4, 2023

Squishy Little Sloth Guy.

When I went shopping the other day I saw this squishy little sloth guy and he was just sooooo cute I just couldn't resist him so I got him! He's just soooo adorable and it was like he was calling out to me sitting on the shelf as I passed by. I mean, come on, how cute is that? I didn't even look at the price tag; I just tossed him into my buggy. While I was out I also got new Christmas ornaments for the tree, and this year's "theme" on the tree is all white and iridescent and it's going to look just magical, esp. on the flocked tree, and I also ordered 6 of the luxury bath-bombs yesterday as well; 3 for meinself and 3 for the 24 YR old for her Christmas present and if for some reason she doesn't come up to visit for Christmas then I'll just have them all and likewise if I should happen to die before Christmas then she gets them all, so either way I  still haven't wasted my $$$ because they cost 84$! The 29 YR old also passed his first driving in-car test and he said the test takes an hour but he did it in 5 minutes( as he thinks he's some sort of  gifted superior super-mortal )but my hubby downplayed as it's "easy", and most people fail the first attempt, so now he's all set for his in-car Young Drivers Of Canada lessons with an instructor, and I also wondered why when I had Buddy out he didn't pee but then when I came back in I soon found out why: I stepped on pee on the hallway carpet, and he probably didn't even realize he did it, afterall, he is old; he turns 18 in 3 months, so I really couldn't get mad, I just silently cleaned it up.

I also posted this photo from 2007 of some of the kids for Throwback Thursday yesterday on my Facebbook and it's also sad  that even doing my best and spending my life on them and they still end up hating you anyway and then you realize that you wasted your entire life all for nothing, and yesterday it was almost like in a slapstick comedy,too: I always use this cup of water by the toilet to wash my cooch after I go to the bathroom for extra hygeine and cleanliness(as well as wipe) and sometimes I find there's tiny stubby little hairs in it that make me itch like crazy only I don't find out until it's too late because I don't look (and it's often dark and I don't turn the light on, plus I don't suspect there would be anything in there) I just pour it on after I'm done.... and it always puzzled me....WTF.....and I found out the 29 YR old shaves his beard there and the beard stubble falls into my cup...
but wait!
 it gets worse!
He said he thought that he put  my Coochie Cup there to catch  the beard stubble, so it's intentional, and when I told him and we got it all figured out he cracked up laughing, thinking it was the most hysterical thing ever, like something from a TV sitcom! Ugh!

I also tried the low-sodium Ritz cracker and it was still really salty and I don't see the difference; what did they do, just put 1 less grain of salt in, and when I tried to tell my hubby something he gruffly brushed me off with, No more interruptions! as if every time I speak it's such a burden, and on an online group I belong to someone asked for suggestions on how to keep their annoying cat from using their plant as a litter-box so I said to put mouse traps in the planter to scare it away and deter it and now everyone's mad at me and all ganged-up on me hating me and posting nasty hateful comments, but I think it sounds like a reasonable solution to the problem though. I can still remember when I was a kid,too, something I didn't understand then (or know what was so funny) but I finally did as an adult: my mother and aunt were talking and my aunt said to my mother about a man with big feet, Oh! You know what THAT means!  and I interjected, He must have a hard time finding shoes! and they both laughed and I didn't know what was so funny at the time.😂

I've grieved more when my dog died than some people in my life. Not because I didn't love those people, but because I loved my dog more.-Arsha Thapa


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