Friday, November 10, 2023


I put the Christmas tree up yesterday! I figure if I do have cancer and don't have much time left I want to be able to enjoy the tree as much and for as long as possible, plus I'm also in the Manic phase of my bipolar now and I have lots of energy(which is rare) and I enjoy this stage too because I feel oddly cheery, energetic, optimistic, and hopeful and it doesn't last for long so I 'ride the wave" and enjoy it as long as I can for as long as it lasts(esp. because I know what comes next!) but with it I also have trouble falling asleep and lay awake for hours into the night and have to take sleeping pills to fall asleep.The 16 YR old doesn't really like the tree though being all white and iridescent, with "no colour" and says it's "so small" ( just over 5 feet but that's all I could afford and that was 200$) plus we also have 10 foot ceilings which makes it look even smaller but it doesn't have to be big to be beautiful and I like it and that's all that matters( since I'm the one that did it) and the past 2-3 years I've finally been able to decorate it the way I want,too; all the other years nothing matched, just a hodge-podge of various  mismatched stuff and also with tacky ornaments I always had to hide at the back where no one sees(except from outside) and crappy things the kids made when they were little. I also love sundown(it's my fave. time of day) when I can light my candles and just look at the tree lights.My hubby hates it I light candles and insence and have oil diffusers and room deoderizers, bath-bombs,etc.and says they "stink" and make him cough, gag, and sneeze, but I like them, and it's the Little Things in life I enjoy the most.

I also got a pointsettia( above) for us and for my mother and I can remember as well when I was a kid in the 70's my mother would always go to the florist over Christmas-time and get huge ones (6-8 or so of them) for 50$ each for her co-workers at the hospital, just massive things(but I just got the 8$ Wal-Mart special) and I did order the boots I wanted as well( go for it) and if I do have stomach cancer I guess it's my "punishment" that gluttony is my biggest sin but you'd think if I did though you'd think something would have shown up earlier on the CT scan so maybe it's throat/esophagus cancer,(the scan only did my organs) esp. with the feeling of a "lump" stuck in my throat  and always having to "clear" my throat and frequent sore jaw, ears and neck(it's all connected) plus always having my left nostril constantly congested; maybe there's something there?  I also notice my face and arms look really yellow too, jaundice, like I had prego with the youngest when I had liver failure, so maybe my liver is acting-up again as well? Maybe if I have cancer it's even spread to my liver? At least the good thing about me being ready to die(and even looking forward to it) is I'm NOT worried about the possibility of having cancer and I'm at peace with it.

I also had my hubby order this tulle skirt for me for my Christmas present. I've liked it and longed for it for a long time but hesitant to spend so much $$$ and also risk ordering stuff online so decided on this as this way if it doesn't end up what I expect at least I didn't get ripped-off and waste my $$$ so I'm not out anything. I also found it at another place where it cost just over half what it was on the original site I found it on so it also saves $$$(he wasn't going to spend 100$,either)., and I'm thinking for my birthday to get the embroidered Mexican "Peasant" blouse I've wanted for  a couple of years,too, assuming I can still find it.I figure if I still like and want something after all that time it's a good thing to get for my gifts. I also wondered yesterday why my souvlaki wasn't cooking and then I realized I hadn't turned the oven on.

This is also looking down inside a cool-looking box. I love the box so much and on the outside it even says Just open me already! It's the box my bath-bombs came in and I love it. I kept it and it even still has some glitter at the bottom that fell off the bath-bombs and smells soooo fragrant I stick my head inside and inhale the goodness. This shithole is also predictably the last country to evacuate its citizens out of the warzone in Gaza and only 1/4 of them have even been evacuated  so far and even then they still have to pay their own way out and it's a well-known fact if you're stuck overseas in a conflict zone, war, revolution, natural disaster, etc. you're on your own; the gov't, consulate, embassy, etc. is not going to help you, and you'd actually have better luck getting the American, British, or Australian embassy to help you.

I also saw this on my Facebook Dachshund group and someone said you can find it at the Canadian Tire store so I asked my hubby to look for it when he was out yesterday and so he did....but it's proof again that things aren't as they appear to be.
I thought from the photo it looked like a stuffy, or a "beanie" ; a small, "plushie", but he said in actual reality it's this big mechanical  tacky thing that cost 40$ so he said forget it.
And that's the exact same issue I have when ordering stuff online. You can't always tell by the photo what it really actually looks like or what you'll end up getting in real life.
People are like that,too.

Having kids feels like you're serving a Life sentence.


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