Saturday, November 25, 2023

The Phonecall.

Last night I got this weird hang-up call on the phone answering machine. It came thru just after I was watching the news and on my computer. I heard the phone ring so I went over to see what the number was in case it was the LTC home calling about my mother(like they have a couple of times before when there's been an issue) but it wasn't their number and I didn't recognize the number so I just let it go to the machine, thinking it was either a wrong number or a telemarketer or something, and, in any case, if it was anything important they'll leave a message but all that was left was what sounded like a confused old man saying to an old woman in the background It doesn't work! and then a hang-up and then seconds later my hubby's cell phone rang and it was my mother! 

 It turned out she had borrowed a friend's phone( who is an old man) to call me and said she was "worried all day" and had to call me as I hadn't called her and I asked her what was wrong and she asked how I was and then I thought she must have been "worried" about my new tattoo or something but then she asked about the biopsy results and if they found cancer and it was then it "clicked": she thought I saw the gastro doctor when my app't isn't until next week! She just got the days mixed-up, and I'm surprised actually that she even remembered (well sort of, she got the week mixed up) or that she even cared! I told her how I collapsed as I got to the top of the stairs the other night though and she( unlike my hubby) thought it concerning (she knows medical stuff though and my hubby knows f*ck-all about that stuff)and my hubby joked about her guy friend,too, and I told him it doesn't "mean" anything as I generally have more guy friends than female, and even if so, so what? Good for her!  Everyone needs to get laid(I wish I could get laid!!!!), and maybe if she does she won't be so miserable?

Yesterday I also felt all chilled and shivering and cold again and now the 16 YR old has my hubby's cold,too, and I wonder as well if my Angel Bird could even possibly be my dead father, who wasn't here for me in life but maybe is now watching  over me,maybe even as a sort of "amends",and I saw the new Napoleon movie which was good and I think Joachim Phoenix should win a Best Actor Acedemy Award  he was so good,and what I want this year for Christmas is also peace in Gaza and a White Christmas( snow) for us, and I also heard a large number of trans people are also on the "Spectrum" which I find interesting and I know that at least the 27 YR old is,anyway, and yesterday for his driving lesson the 29 YR old did something called "parallel parking" (and he did it well,apparantly) I have no idea what that even is but it's supposed to be really hard and something my hubby always says women and Asians can't do.

Linear time does not exist; there is only the moment and it is eternal.-Barbara Berg


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