Thursday, November 2, 2023

Things I Like But Will Never Buy.

I love this. A human-sized dog bed. I doubt in real-life it's as good as it looks here. I bet when you get the actual item it's not as big or as soft though. Things are never as they appear. Everything is an illusion. This would be amazing for Buddy and I to snuggle up in, esp. in winter but also where would I put it? It looks so big, but if it really is as good as it looks, oh, boy! I'm just hesitant to order stuff  now (unless I know what it is and I've had it before)ever since I got ripped-off from that blouse I spent 75$ on that looked nice in the photo, like a Bohemian "peasant" blouse but when I got it it was this cheap-looking piece of shit  from China(that looked nothing like the photo) I never wore and looked like it crawled out of the Goodwill box and I just wanted to burn it.I was just sooooo mad!!!!
Today my hemmoroid is also the size of half my thumb and it really hurts and I try to keep pushing it back in but it keeps popping back out, and I'm even tempted to just cut it off myself just like I did years ago with the keloid on the back of my ear and I wonder too if at least some of my stomach pain at the top of my belly-button might also be from my liver,too, knowing now what I do about green bile in my stomach, and if that's also why I'm itchy, like how I was when I had liver failure while prego with the youngest 16 years ago,too.

I also saw this online the other day and it brought back happy childhood memories. I had this exact same one and I had so much fun with it! The 29 YR old also mocks I'm Not a "real" woman anymore now I no longer have a uterus anymore(I had a hysterectomy a few years ago due to abnormal bleeding and I do NOT miss "Aunt Flow" ONE BIT, either!!!) even though I still DO have ovaries and boobs and I DON'T have a dick or balls,he can be such a f*ckwit sometimes, and last night the 16 YR old forgot to put the garbage and recycling out on the curb for pick-up this morning as well even though I did remind him so  had to wake him up this morning to do it and my hubby said it "must have slipped his mind" but I mean, it's NOT like he has a complicated busy life or anything; he's finished school now and all he does is the compter and video games all day! It's not like he has a full busy schedule or anything.

I also saw this from Avon and I remember having it as a kid. It brought back so many long-forgotten memories and it made me smile when I saw it. and last night I sat out on the back porch hitting the bong looking up at the stars and I love God's creation, and I think Israel's plan all along was to ethnically "cleanse" Gaza of Palestinians(using the "excuse" of eliminating Hamas)  just like the Nazis tried to rid Europe of Jews in WWII and now the oppressed have become the oppressors and sadly people never seem to learn from history, and I heard as well a hockey player intentionally jumped up in the air and kicked another player slashing him across the throat with his skate blade killing him and I always knew hockey was redneck and violent but this is taking it to a whole new other level, and it's kind of "funny" too how Joe Walsh ( The Eagles), Paul Stanley (KISS) and Sammy Hagar (Van Halen) have such annoying "grating" voices when they speak,too, but when they sing they sound so amazing!

I'm at the age now where I'm not making many new memories so I live in the past and glorify the old ones.


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