Monday, November 13, 2023

This & That.

Yesterday I visited my mother and I wore my weed leggings( shown here) and they finally put all the family photos up on her wall( shown below) and again she asked us for 20$(like she does every week) and we just can't afford it as we have bills to pay as that ends up being 80$ a month and she says she needs it to pay for when her and her friend group order-in food but they simply have more $$$ than we do so she said What am I supposed to do, just tell them I don't have the $$$? and I was like, Yes, exactly! we just can't afford it, reminding me of when I was kid and I had a friend who was richer than us and always wanting me to go out with her and spend $$ and my mother told me even though we had $$$ at the time not the level she did and she wasn't able to finance me to the degree she had, yet on the other hand I also had another friend who had much, much less and she couldn't afford to go places with me but I wanted her to be there so I always paid her way so she could go. My throat also hurts again today,too, and the 16 YR old was outside the other day at -2 C in just his T-shirt and track pants( no coat!) and I knew he was cold as he was shivering and had goose-bumps but he still didn't put a coat on even when I told him to; seriously, what's wrong with that kid?

Yesterday morning when I got up I asked Buddy(like I always do every morning) Where can I find the Best Dog In The World? only this time the Google Home device was spying on me and listening in and replied it didn't know but it found some searches so I told it Shut up Google; I wasn't talking to you! and I also came across a Squishmallow hippo I didn't know exists so I'm thinking of buying it, and our wedding anniversary is 16 December as well, just 5 days after I get my hemmoroid banded so I hope that I'm NOT unable to sit for our anniversary dinner; that my ass isn't still sore, otherwise I guess we'll just have to order-in this year, and my hubby says if I did have cancer they wouldn't wait until the 30th to see me; they'd get me in sooner but if it's stage 4 and terminal and there's nothing they can do anyway then it wouldn't make any difference anyway,and maybe that's also the only day they had free, and when I do die he'll be happy too as he can finally sell the house like he wants, and he was mad I did the laundry before his shower clothes/towel was ready(which can always wait until the next load) but I'm the one doing it so I do it on my schedule and when it's convenient for me( first thing in the morning when I come downstairs, and this way by the time the others get up they have clean clothes, towels, etc) and he said Didn't you SEE I was in the shower? actually, no, I didn't as I don't "monitor" where he is and I don't plan my day around what he's doing, and if he doesn't like the way I do it then he can feel free to do it himself.

Always too much yet never enough.


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