Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Total Recall.

Now that the drugs wore off I have a clearer mind and total recall I can remember more from yesterday. My hospital band reminds me of the all-day ride passes you get at the CNE (The "Ex") or at Canada's Wonderland  and I kept mine as a sort of a souvenir, and as the anestheologist was pumping the Propofol (which is white and looks like milk) into my IV line I joked it was Milk of Amnesia but he was gruff and didn't think it was so funny and was mad that I was talking and abruptly shoved the mouth guard back in and I remember they were playing The Beatles  in the OR which I liked and they didn't even have enough beds for everyone either waiting to go in and some people( even a 90 year old man!) even had to sit on chairs( so half-assed, like a Third-World country!) and even afterwards they used to wheel you out in a wheelcahir but now expect you to walk out and it's a really long walk,too, to the other end of the hospital, and you've just been all drugged-up and haven't eaten in over 12 hours and are dizzy and woozy and feel "faint" and I knew I'd pass out and couldn't walk so I still requested one anyway and they acted like it was such a big imposition and even then my hubby hadn't arrived to pick me up yet(they said you have to have a ride having had an anesthetic) but the nurse just left me there waiting and didn't even stay and wait until he arrived and I could have been left there waiting all day, or even passed-out or something and no one would have even known!

I also overheard a nurse say she's expecting her first baby and taking a year off and then it's daycare for the poor kid at just a year old and it was even worse for me; I was farmed-off to daycare at just 6 weeks old and I don't "get" it; why even have kids in the first place if you're NOT even going to raise them and just pay someone else to do it, and they faxed my new medication prescription to the wrong pharmacy too(even though I told them which one) and when I got home there was a phone message from the wrong pharmacy, all confused since I don't have an account there so I called them back and they said they'd just fax it onto the right one but there was still some problem and they never got it so my hubby went there and it took forever but finally got it sorted all out and I got my pills but why can't things just ever work out and go right for me? I swear, I must be a jinx! We also still had to wear masks (face diapers) in the hospital,too,even in the waiting room, and I don't think there will ever be an end to it.

I also woke up again this morning and still have one hell of a headache again today too I think must be my high BP and the big sore hemmoroid is also back again too and rubs against my pants and hurts, and yesterday when my hubby dropped me off for my procedure he also dropped off my mother's chair and she really likes it and she has a cold now,too, and said it was good we didn't visit on Sunday as she was sick and there's also a Covid outbreak now at the LTC home and everyone has to wear face-diapers now, and last night the 29 YR old went to a Satan's Day (Halloween) party and I told him, Normally I'd say "Have fun" but not this time! and he goes, That's mean! What if I die? and I told him, I don't want you to die; I still want you to be safe; I just don't want you celebrating Satan's Day! plus it's also not a good idea to be out too late the night before he has to get up at 6:30 am before work the next day! Me being the scapegoat in my narcissist family also explains why I've always been so disconnected from them.

They also said on the news many immigrants are leaving this shithole,too, as it's NOT what they thought, expected, or were lead to believe and it's too expensive and they don't like living here and are struggling, and Israel also now bombed a refugee shelter in Gaza so tell me again how this is "defending" themselves,and there's a genderbread(like gingerbread) Christmas party upcoming in a nearby town,too. Seriously though, WTF? Why does LGBT have to be so in-your-face everywhere and in everything all the time? They even still have the rainbow Pride flags everywhere,too, even though Pride Month was back in June.People don't like having religion shoved in their faces and down their throats and this is no different. Enough already!Do whatever you want in private  just stop pushing it on to the rest of us all the time. Enough propaganda of everything!!

Everybody loves Bob Marley, everywhere i go its the same old story, ppl of all nation them love the Rastaman vibrations.-Macka B


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