Friday, November 3, 2023

Tree Porn.

This is the next-door neighbor's tree, the one that used to be so beautiful once with the pretty orange leaves. Now it's just bare naked and just doesn't look the same anymore and it's just sad. You wouldn't even know that it was the same tree. Yesterday I also saw a rabbit in our yard again and a blue jay that was twice the usual size; he was a big boi, and today the 29 YR old does the driving part of his driving test( he's been doing the studying part for awhile now) and on the weekend he's going to play skeet with his boss. I also got the new/old/remastered Beatles song and I love it and it reminds me of John Lennon's last album Double Fantasy before he died(I had it when I was 13) and I was surprised to hear the radio DJ's say they didn't really think it was that good but they're entitled to their wrong opinion and the 29 YR old liked it,too, and also showed me a song he liked, the kind you lay on your bed and listen to while staring up at the ceiling watching life go by.

Yesterday my hubby and I also went shopping and we split up and each did part of the list so it doesn't take as long and I got this Christmas hanging plant which is evergreen( sorry it's kind of hard to see but it was almost sundown when I took the photo when we got home) and it has a red bow and also had these white painted logs sticking out of it originally too I thought were tacky so we just removed them and I think it looks better plain( less is more)and I recognized some of his behaviours I just used to think were him just being an asshole and inconsiderate as typical narcissist(the more I read about it) too, such as yesterday instead of parking the car closer to the store entrance so I didn't have as far to walk( as I get tired and out of breath and can't walk far anymore) he still parked farther away( even though I did ask him to park closer) because it was "easier for him to park farther away"(whatever THAT means) and when I feel hot, sweaty and faint in the car and I open a window  for fresh cool air to feel better he'll close it because he doesn't like the wind and yesterday as I was on the computer in the middle of trying to post something he goes and re-boots the router without even having the courtesy of informing me first, ahead of time(so I  can pause and stop what I'm doing and don't lose it and resume after) just zero consideration and disregard for me and only ever thinking about himself, again, typical narcissist. 

He also picked up carnations for my mother as usual as it was on the list but I got them this time as well not knowing he also did( so she ended up with more but I'm sure she won't mind and the same thing happened with my candles,too; we both got them but 2 is better than none) only he got white ones (even though they had pink ones there, her fave.) even though she hates white flowers as they remind her of funerals(I got her 2 different shades of pinks, shown below) and I told him so(which he should have already known) and he got mad at me and said I "always complain" and he threw them away so I rescued them and just kept them for us and added a couple of her pink ones so it doesn't look like a funeral bouquet, shown here.Then he goes on saying "any colour is ok..." except is white really even a colour though but rather an absence of colour, plus, you know, the fact that she hates white funeral flowers, so there's that and she'd get upset and say something like, I'm NOT dead yet. This morning I also put new blue deoderizing  toilet "pucks" in the toilet and somehow got plue stains all on my arm and leg so now I look like a Smurf!

I also found my first Christmas present yesterday as well even though I wasn't even looking yet: a Spider-Man thing for my hubby and I'm going to get a nice soft blanket for my mother I think and bath-bombs for the 24 YR old she likes and something "exotic" for the 29 YR old but no idea for the 16 YR old since he never likes anything I get him anyway and just always throws it out and never even uses it; I really shouldn't get him anything he's such an ingrate but then I'd feel bad so maybe just a gift certificate or something at his fave. pizza or burritto place, and I keep hoping and praying too I die before Christmas so I won't even have to spend another Christmas with my family which is always so stressful for me, ansd Israel has always hated Arabs,too, and I can still remember when I went there getting our visas they refused entry to anyone who even had an Arab-sounding name, and if that's NOT discriminatory I don't know what is.

I want to go out my way- The Pretty Reckless.


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