Thursday, November 9, 2023

Winter Ready.

Yesterday I finally found a pair of fuzzy warm socks( shown here) and they even have cute little sloths on them to match my cute little squishy sloth guy I got before! They have a warm fuzzy sherpa lining and rubbery "dots" on the bottom(like toddler socks) for slippage! I also got a nice warm PJ's (shown below)to replace my worn-out ones where the waistband elastic is so stretched out I need to wrap and tie a hoodie around the waist to hold it up  to keep it from falling down and also yesterday when I took Buddy out to pee I didn't know at the time but I must have backed up and touched a prickle bush as when I got inside I felt all prickly and itchy and when I looked at my pants they were covered all on the back of the legs and ass with dried up sharp little thorny prickles and I tried to pick them off but they kept pricking my fingers and making them bleed and even got stuck in one(and there's literally hundreds of them and they're so small) I don't know how to get them off now  so it was just easier to buy a new one! Last night we also had what meterologists refer to as inclement weather: it started as ice pellets(which I felt when I had Buddy out for his bedtime pee) and then turned to snow( which I never saw; it was once I was in bed but I did see a bit of snow left-over on a neighbour's roof this morning) and then turned to rain. Some places farther up North even got 15-20 cm of snow! I also had to go to the bank yesterday to deposit a cheque and I was nervous and not sure what to do as I do my banking online(with my hubby's help as I'm retarded) but it was ok.

Something worrisome and concerning as well: yesterday the Gastro doc's office called (I had my Scope done 9 days ago) and said I have an app't  to see him on the 30th....even though after the procedure he said he was just going to phone me 4-6weeks  later to see how the new medication is working( and my stomach pain has returned again, like most things it only works for a short while I guess) so my guess is the biopsy( they did the esophagus and stomach) must have found something( so maybe I DO have cancer afterall( which would explain the pain,etc.) and that's why he wants me to come in, and the other times I've had it done I never had any follow-up visits,and if you have cancer they won't tell you over the phone, and I'm also getting my hemmoroid "banded" on 11 December as well  which will be embarrassing as well because they don't put you to "sleep" for that so I'll be awake, conscious and aware that they're looking at and probing my naked bare ass, and I don't know why they band it,either; why not just cut or laser it off? In any case, if it turns out that I do have cancer I'll do surgery to relieve pain but I won't do chemo; I'll just let it run it's course and one thing I do want to do before I die though is ride a horse again and go on another trip.

I also think I'll order these Cougar boots like I wore for years from age 12 thru my teen years( in different sizes thru the years) as they are the warmest boots I have ever had, plus the nostalgia factor; that they bring back such happy memories, and I've had my fur mukluks for some 20 years now and the sheepskin lining inside them has now all been squished and flattened down and is no longer warm anymore and my feet get cold in the frigid winter so I suppose it's time to invest in some new winter boots that keep my feet warm.These boots aren't cheap by any means, but they're warm and well-made and will last the rest of my life. It also was hurtful when my mother said Don't worry if you can't come up to visit me for Christmas if there's a snow storm; this (the LTC home) is my "family" now. and this Sunday when I go visit her I'm bringing her up a Christmas pointsettia plant(I also got one for us,too), as it will last for months and replace flowers I normally bring, which will be harder to find over the winter months.They also said on the radio normally there's 5-10 overdoses a week here,too, but last week it was over 90! This shithole sucks so much people are so depressed and desperate to escape their reality.

We've got no future We've got no past.-Pet Shop Boys


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