Friday, December 29, 2023

Bombs Away.

Yesterday later in the day my bath-bombs came and the alert on my iPod saying someone was at the door didn't work(again; yet something else that's a piece of shit, just like everything else we have and that doesn't work) but when I walked past my computer( which I always leave open on my desk) I glanced over at my e-mail and there was a notice saying it had been delivered so I rushed over and opened the door to check( before the porch pirates could snatch it up) and there it was, sitting next to the door. Check out what it said on the box,too. Isn't it funny? before it used to say Open me already! This morning I used the white one which was like a big egg that cracked open under the hot water and revealed foamy frothy orange in the middle that smelled like lemon. Yummmm! It's my luxury.

2 of them also came already wrapped in a gift set so I also had the joy of unwrapping my gift,too!I even saved the pretty paper, which also smells like sweet aromatic perfume! All yesterday I also kept getting this thought running thru my head like a loop telling me that I'm going to die today,too,possibly from a heart-attack, and I don't know if it's actually true or not( it sure felt true and seemed real) or if it's just my bipolar playing tricks on me again but if it is I just hope it's NOT until after I go to the Chinese buffet for my lunch today.I don't want to miss my buffet!! Later yesterday my right side also really hurt,too, likely my liver acting-up again. I swear my body hates me and is ganging-up on me conspiring to kill me. My abdomenal and stomach pain is also sooo bad ( and I still have the really bad back pain as well) it even woke me up during the night. I'm so tired of always hurting all the time.Much of the day yesterday I'd also keep seeing a pink glowing "aura" or light surrounding things,too. It was really weird. Am I , perhaps, getting a glimpse of the Other Side or transitioning over?

My hubby also said he's planning on visiting the girls in BC for a week over February(which is the worst time to travel with the snow with flights being cancelled or delayed) as he said the airfares are cheapest then(that's probably why); roundtrip for something like just 200$ instead of over 600$ like usual and I'd wondered if our house is falling apart due to poverty or just neglect and I concluded both; neglect in the way we don't replace broken knobs on the bathroom cabinets because we're apathetic and lazy and just don't care, and other major things like the carpeting and the roof also need replacing as well( the carpets needed replacing when we first moved here 20 years ago) but we just can't afford it. I also heard talk about aliens the other day,too, and I doubt they're real (since the Bible never mentioned it)but even if they were I'm sure they'd stay hidden and just quietly observe from a distance, taking soil samples and such( like we do on Mars and the moon) knowing how horrible and violent humans are to eachother (eg. war) they'd be wise to not be discovered, thinking we'd capture them and do experiments on them( which is most likely true;people are horrible) and who is to say thet they'd be necessarily bad? Maybe they'd even have something we could learn from? I think they'd  have more reason to fear humans than we'd have to fear them.

In every wag of your tail, I found a friend, a soul mate in a dog's body and in every moment shared, a treasure.


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