Thursday, December 28, 2023

Movies, Lab, Lush, And Deliveries.

Yesterday was a movie day for me. I watched 2 movies: Priscilla ( about Elvis Presley's wife, and Elvis was a major dick, BTW) and Leave The World Behind and in the last one Julia Robert's character said, I f*cking hate people and I really felt that. The teen boy's teeth also fell out(due to radiation) and it was so weird too because I've had so many dreams just like that as well where my teeth just all fall out at the same time. For the past few nights I've also had this recurring dream I was much younger( like in my 20's) and I lived next door to this wonderful nice Italian family that owned a business where they sold groceries and plants and flowers and we were really close and the father said I was "practically family" which warmed my heart and I ended up marrying one of them, so I wonder if it was a memory from one of my past lives maybe or possibly a glimpse into a future one?  It's also been raining for days and days on end(which I absolutely loathe) and yesterday we almost even broke a record for rainfall. I even had my bedroom window open last night it's been so mild and plus I was also really sweaty(f*ck menopause!),too,.It feels more like winter in BC than Ontario. I like it mild but I hate all the rain.

Yesterday I also had a baaaad headache and I still have the really sore back as well as the abdomenal pain  and my stomach also hurts so bad today(and nauseated) it feels like it's full of cement and today my hubby goes to the lab for blood work and it's fasting as well; he couldn't eat from Midnight, just like before surgery, and I also got a delivery notice my bath-bombs are supposed to be delivered today,too,(yay!) and my mother called yesterday as well saying she wants all of us to go to the Chinese buffet tomorrow( while my hubby and the 29 YR old are still off work) even though we were planning on going next month on Family Day (which also happens to be Buddy's 18th birthday) but maybe she doesn't know if she'll still be alive in a month though because when you're 82 you just never know.
 Time is short and running out. 
All the rain yesterday also short-circuited our outdoor Christmas lights and they weren't working and normally we keep them on until New Year's but it looks like this year they're going to end early. We were also supposed to have lasagne for dinner tonight  I'd saved except the 29 YR old ate it.

I also saw for Kwanzaa  they have candles that look like a menorah and yesterday when I was petting Buddy he was actually purring like a cat and it was just so funny yet endearing at the same time, and I was thinking maybe I could get my defective skirt fixed; take it to a dressmaker and have her remove the ugly brown top  layer ( that wasn't even supposed to be  there )and add 3 more layers of pink tulle on top like it was supposed  to be and it can be saved, and they called and scheduled me for another hearing test I'm apparantly due for as well but I'll probably cancel it because even though I know my hearing has gotten worse and my old hearing aids don't work anymore due to it  the truth is I just can't afford new upgraded ones as they cost 2K, and in a movie I saw a kid was also happy because  before she will inevitably die she finally got to see how her fave. TV show ended and what happened to the characters she invested time in and came to care about and I could soooo relate to that,and now Israel has also killed over 20 000 Palestinians and even targets refugee camps as well, where civilians are trying to find shelter and a safe haven, incl. innocent women and children,and how can they even try to "justify" that? 
People in refugee camps are NOT Hamas! 
 Someone needs to stop them!
Why exactly is Israel so "untouchable?"

Trust, but verify.-Russian proverb.


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