Monday, December 11, 2023

My Butt! My Butt! My Butt!

I found this yesterday and it brought back sooo many happy memories of childhood Christmases in the 70's. We had this exact same decorations on our ceilings and so did one of my aunts. I also visited my mother yesterday and one of the crazy residents kept loudly yelling at the top of her lungs, My butt! My butt! My butt! and it was hilarious and cracked me up and probably the funniest thing I've heard all week but it would have been even funnier if she'd said My ass! or My arse! and she also kept yelling what sounded like La porte! which means the door in French. My mother really seems happy there too and has her own little community and has made friends and has activities she does every day as well, just like on the cruise ship. I also get my hemmoroid removed later today and this morning I had to prep by doing an enema but I had trouble doing it myself trying to insert it up my ass as my poor ass was stubborn and defiant and refused to co-operate since it's an exit and not an entrance and the tube part to insert kept bending  and wouldn't go in and it was hard for me to find the hole so I had to call my hubby in to assist and he kept cracking up laughing but I got on my back and put my legs in the air and he did it and oooooh it was just soooo nasty, uncomfortable and gross and I felt like that lady at the LTC home, My butt! My butt! My butt!
It was just brutal and it was a good thing I did it in the bath tub and was right next to the toilet because boy, did I ever really have to shit right after that and I got right out and raced to the toilet and it just shot out, diarrhrea, but the good news is that it worked, and I'm all cleaned out for the procedure and I'm no longer constipated,either, but I have no idea how some people actually enjoy The Difficult Brown, and I warned my poor ass that the worst is still yet to come with the rectal exam and hemmoroid removal and I'm soooo NOT looking forward to it (too bad they don't just put me to sleep and then I'm not even aware of it) and can't wait until it's over! Normally medical stuff doesn't even phase me but this really has me rattled!! I also wonder if I'll bleed alot as well since I always tend to really bleed for everything...

Yesterday Buddy didn't feel well either and didn't eat all day and he even had a fever, and I'd asked my hubby to pick me up some egg nog but he got the wrong one; he got chocolate hazelnut eggnog( I didn't even know such a thing existed) and I just wanted the regular one(and I sprinkle nutmeg on it) and I was mad but he said it was all they had and he figured I like chocolate and hazelnut, which I do but not in eggnog.....but I tried it anyway and I ended up liking it (and drank most of the container)but of course I never told him that because then he'd win.😂 He also has a chess tournament in Toronto over the weekend but only got tickets for Friday as Saturday is our anniversary and we're going out to dinner even though I told him we could always switch and go out another day ( esp. since he has 2 weeks off over Christmas) but he wasn't able to get tickets for the Saturday; they were already all sold out, and everyone in the UN voted for a ceasefire in Gaza....everyone except for USA of course, warmongers, and then they went and sold weapons to Israel. 
It figures. 
Whenever there's a war USA is always the first to show up.As long as they're around there will never be world peace.

Winter bites extra hard out in the country.


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