Tuesday, December 5, 2023


So, apparantly I violated Twitter's "standards" again with my comment. I was referring to the photo shown below, of American students doing the Pledge of Allegiance and saluting the flag it looks the same as the Heil Hitler salute and nothing will convince me otherwise. I just merely pointed out that there's no difference and people got all bent out of shape because, you know, the truth hurts.The original post was a photo of this along with a photo of muslims prostrating in prayer in a public place and the question posted was What's right and wrong with this? and I commented that The right is people worshipping God and the wrong is idol worship;worshipping the State, but of course everyone else saw it completely differently and were racist and anti-religion, anti-Islam, and anti-God and said that the right was the nationalism and flag worship and the wrong was worshipping God. It's just so sad how broken and far removed society is from God now. It just breaks my heart. It also got me thinking how only exorcists in the Catholic Church can cast out demons in those that are possessed and even people of other faiths come to them for it and I used to think it was because they alone had the authority from God to do so but now it makes me wonder if maybe it might even be the other way around since Satan has infiltrated the Church; that maybe, just maybe, the reason the demons obey and submit only to that authority is because the Pope is the Anti-Christ and the demons obey their master?
Holy shit.

It's also hard for me to co-ordinate my new medications(and I still feel sick every time I take the Sucralfate) as I have to take some twice a day and one 4 times a day because I have to space them out either 2 hours before or after I eat and I eat several small meals a day instead of 3 big ones, so basically I'm eating most of the time and it's hard to find  a 2 hour window in-between before and after I'm NOT eating to take the meds, and the other day my hubby had these naked chicken wings without any sauce, spices, batter,etc. and they were white, fleshy and wrinkly and looked like newborn hedgehog hoglets, and I got one of my books yesterday too and spent the day reading and I just love getting lost and absorbed in a good book and the day just flies by but Buddy hates it because he thinks I'm not paying enough attention to him and he feels ignored and I also realized that me going to various different churches and faiths thru my life was just me growing spiritually in my journey and getting where I'm supposed to be and learning spiritual lessons and getting even closer to God.

I also saw this the other day and it reminded me of  my Babushka, who had the exact same one(it lights up) in the 70's when I was a kid. and it brought back so many happy childhood memories. I remember too when the 29 YR old was little one time he ate several of the Advent calendar chocolates all at once, thinking that way Christmas would come sooner, and my mother told me about her grandfather, that he was doing volunteer work for his parish and the priest said that they were only to donate to help poor Catholics and he (rightfully so!) took issue with that and said they should help everybody in need, regardless of faith, and he was so disillusioned and pissed-off at that priest that he stopped going to that church and went to another one all the way across town for years and didn't go back to that original church until that priest died. Sometimes heroes don't always wear capes. My friend J( from grade 8) also has a new grandchild( she has 4 kids) and now has 21 grandchildren and 1 great-grandchild! Holy frickin' shit!!!! I bet Christmas is expensive for her! The 29 YR old quipped, Is she Irish Catholic, because they breed like rats! and I told him, Well.....yeah, and she even has red hair, but I had 11 kids,too, so I must "breed like a rat" too, so then that must make YOU a little rat then, but at least you're NOT a rat bastard since Papa and I are married! My FB friend B and her hubby are also on a Caribbean cruise. Nice!

Everything becomes a burden, listening to others, smiling at a cashier when buying something, a beautiful sunset holds nothing, you shut the curtains when the sun streams in, and you would be very at home in the dark shadows.-Alex Adams


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