Monday, January 1, 2024


Hey! I haven't seen you since last year!😂
Yesterday I made our New Year's indulgence: Ambrosia....but my hubby got the wrong fruit! He was supposed to get tins of diced mixed fruit , you know, all cut up into mini cubes, bite-sized.... and so when I opened up the tin and dumped it into the strainer to get all the juice out I was mortified to see big slices of peaches, pears, etc. plunk into the bowl!'
say whaaat?
Ooooh, I was just sooo mad! I screamed, and yelled,and swore and called the doofus every name in the book!
and then I called him over to chop up the fruit into tiny diced cubes to fix his mistake and we still didn't have enough fruit even after that, we were sorely short on fruit so I sent him out to buy more, the right one  this time and I made my Ambrosia the right way.
First of all he also didn't get the right marshmallows,either; he got the coloured mini ones( we need the plain mini ones) but luckily at least he bought both kinds so it was saved. I also remember last year he got the wrong cream,too; he bought whipped cream( instead of whipping cream) he got the kind that's in an aerosol can and sprays making a ppfffftttt sound(the kind you spray in your mouth when no one's looking) when we need the real whipping cream that you beat.
I didn't realize that it was so "hard" to make Ambrosia!
For someone so smart he can be really dumb!

Today I also take down the Christmas tree and the wreaths and other decorations and my hubby's taking down the outdoor lights. We don't just leave them up all year because:
(1) It's tacky as hell
(2) the squirrels chew thru the wires
The 29 YR old also had 2 NYE parties last night and said I'm a "loser" and "uncool" because I don't drink and have never been drunk(but I DO smoke weed and I think that makes me pretty cool, or at least the closest to cool I'll ever be) but I told him that the real losers and uncool ones are the ones that get drunk. He also has a party today as well and I wonder what the old folks did at my mother's LTC home last night for NYE? Whatever it was, it probably ended early, like at 9 pm or so, because they go to bed early.

I also made buns with dinner last night as we still had a bunch left-over from Christmas and I can'r believe it was a week ago already, and my birthday is in 3 days,too. Today we also start a new month and a new year.The 29 YR old also got asked for ID when he went to buy alcohol so they think he's under 19 but he didn't have any ID on him so they wouldn't sell it to him, ha, ha, and the best of last year was my trip to the Dominican Republic and that I still have Buddy; that we had more time and more years together than I thought we'd have as I thought he'd only live to be 12-13 and he turns 18 next month, and last night I woke up at 11: 57 pm and tried to stay awake to see the time change over to Midnight for the New Year too but I quickly fell back alseep and when I woke up again it was already 12:02 am.
 I just missed it.
 It sounds like everything else in life.
 I just miss it.

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.” Matthew 7:15


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