Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Back To Normal.

Now the Christmas/ New Year's holidays are all behind us things have gone back to normal and the DJ's are finally back on the radio after not for a whole week and the regular news people will be back on the news tonight and mail delivery will resume and life will get back to normal once again. It also look so "bare" and empty with the tree and decorations gone now but at the same time it's also nice to have things back to normal again,too. I found this photo of a lounge chair the other day as well and it brought back fond memories of me as a teen in the 80's because I had the same style I would use to suntan in my yard in Toronto only mine had bright  red and pink inter -twined circles on it for the pattern. It was really psychedelic and hippie and funky and I liked it except the only problem was it was hard to open and if you leaned back too far it would fold up and trap you inside sort of like a mouse trap and try to kill you and I even called it the Killer Chair or KC for short .

Yesterday and today poor Buddy is also all really congested and keeps sneezing and it's hard for him to breathe and last night in bed he was scared and snuggled  up pressed in as close to me as he could get for reassurance that I was right there close by him and when my hotflashes of menopause get bad and I'm really hot and sweaty I remedy it by just going outside in the cold -8 C winter air without a coat on, and yesterday on the radio they said about The Best of this year as well which made me laugh since the year just started and I thought to myself, The best of this year? Since when, this morning?  and December was also the second-warmest December here ever on record(unusual weather patterns in The Last Days) and we had 200X the amount of rain as usual and usually have 36 cm or so of snow and had less than 5 cm. I also heard there's a Bob Marley bio-pic movie coming out next month too I've got to see and am excited about! Yahoo!! Gross,too: I heard it's not uncommon for men to request from the doctor after their woman gives birth if they could "add a couple of extra stitches 'down there" to tighten her back up
Men are pigs,.

My hubby has also oddly being nicer to me lately as well( and even gave me my own little box of Timbits donut holes) and it makes me suspicious like he's "up" to something and makes me wary and it was funny,too, I thought he was talking about someone else and I said, Is it Leroy or Deshaun?  and he gave me a funny look and says, I don't have a brother named Leroy or Deshaun! but I didn't realize he was talking about one of his brothers(HA!) and I heard as well that holy people,prophets, Chosen ones, God's people, etc. often tend to die on either their birthdays or on their conception days which I found interesting, so does that mean that Good Friday was Jesus' birthday or conception day then....and my birthday is in just 2 days and I'm ready and waiting,ha,ha, and I heard too in USA( of course, where else?) a 10 year old  shot and killed another 10 YR old! Seriously, WTF? So young!
What is wrong  with people and the world today? No one disciplines their kids anymore!

Even if we have to part, us has one heart.- The Color Purple.


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