Friday, January 5, 2024

How it Went.

So my birthday yesterday was ok; it was really just like every other day other than the fact that I ordered-in food. My hubby made me this card(above) that he e-mailed to me and my mother phoned me to wish me a happy birthday and when I said I'm actually surprised she still remembed it was yesterday she goes, Of course I remembered! I was there! but I just meant at 82 years old her memory isn't quite what it used to be.Did you also know that I was a preemie that was born 6 weeks early? My mother jokes I was always impatient, even then. I thought it was nice though and appreciated it, esp. since she had to borrow a phone from a friend to do it as we're too poor for her to be able to afford a phone in her own room at 25$ a month. I was also watching The Lil' Rascals the other day as well, a show I haven't seen in ages but I've always liked and I used to watch it after school in grade 4 ( along with The Three Stooges) and it was done in 1935, even *before* my mother was born( she was born in 1941) so they're really, really, really old and they'd all be dead now.

I also ordered-in dinner from my fave. Italian place: chicken penne al-forno with garlic bread and since my family never got me a birthday cake I also got a slice of heavenly decadent chocolate peanut butter cheesecake,too and it was divine!! I can still remember that time as well when I was 16 or so and I got a cake from the bakery in Chinatown that was fruit and cream and instead of putting Happy Birthday they'd written Happy Brithday and I was so mad! I also just discovered yesterday that the Queen song We Will Rock You the lyrics are actually ....kicking your can all over the place... and here all this time I thought it was ....kicking your cat all over the place....
I still think my version is way funnier though.
They also said on the news only 30% of people in this shithole can even afford to buy a home and when I was growing up it was the opposite; with 70% (maybe more)owning houses and only 30% or so renting but now it's just become so unaffordable.
I hate this place soooo much!

The 25 YR old (one of The Edmonton Boys) also made this for me for my birthday and e-mailed it yesterday and said it descibes my struggles in life, and I'm the hippo on the left and my hubby is on the right ( in the orange shirt he always wears) and you can see he has the advantage with all the chess pieces and I'm losing the game. It's funny,too, because he also made him completely bald and with an Amish-style beard! HA!Also note that he's the only one of the kids to do anything for my birthday and even the 16 and 29 YR olds that live here never even bothered to say Happy Birthday either. When I was singing out loud along with my music yesterday the 16 YR old also scolded me to shut up as usual too and I told him it was my birthday and he had to be nice to me and that I get 1 day off. South Africa also filed a report with The Hague calling-out Israel for its GENOCIDE in Gaza of the Palestinian people and they know a thing or two about Apartheid. I can tell I really like the Rasta dreadlock wig I ordered too(and that I indeed chose the right one) as I also saw it somewhere else and I said to myself, Ooooh, I really like that one,too! not realizing at first it was the same one!

Terrible setbacks can be disguised as steps forward.-Sean Kernan


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