Friday, February 23, 2024


My hubby brought me back this buff Dachshund ( I call a buffhund) sticker from Vancouver he got at FanExpo  and I think it's just the funniest thing ever and I put it up on my bedroom door with all my other stickers. I also heard this morning on the radio news that the budget airline they took just filed for bankruptcy so they got  back just in time( yesterday!) or they could have been stranded, or at the least had to pay waaay more for another airline to get back home! Normally it costs at least 600$ each round-trip(you can go to Europe for that!) to go to BC but the two of them was just over 300$ but he said it was so no-frills the seats felt like hard wooden chairs, like garden chairs (I'm surprised they didn't charge them to use the bathroom,too!)and they didn't even recline back so they had to sit upright the entire time(I've never even heard of airplane seats that don't recline!) and they weren't allowed check-in bags(unless they paid 175$ each way!) or even carry-ons; just a small purse and he crammed too much stuff into his and they said it was too big so he ended up
-and I kid you not-
 taking some clothes out and stuffing them into the sleeves of his jacket he was wearing! HA!
So now they're jet-lagged and have to adjust to a 3HR time difference and I've always found anyway that's it's harder for some reason to adjust going East than West, adjusting to several hours time difference ahead than behind, but maybe that's just me, I don't know. Buddy also didn't seem to miss them,either, or notice they were gone, he didn't look around for them or seem "disrupted"; he just went up to my hubby when he got back and sniffed him to see if he "cheated" on him with other dogs, but when I go away he'll sit by the door the whole time waiting for me and bark, cry, howl,and whine in sorrow until I get back.

This is also one of my fave. photos of Buddy back when I first got him when he was 8 years old, which was 10 years ago. Such a handsome boy. Now he's old and decrepit and falling apart but my love for him only grows deeper.My hubby also said the 27 YR old went up to Vancouver as well to visit and the 22 YR old as well as having a degree in Fashion Design now also has a degree in hair styling, and this morning it's soooo foggy out you can barely even see a thing, and I'm also going to the bank later(I also have to go to the pharmacy as I finished my last BP pill yesterday) to see if there's any issue with my credit card but I'm going to do a "test" first(since I hate going to the bank and having to inter-act with people) by going to a store and buying something and see if it accepts the card and if there's no problem then I don't even have to go to the bank. I can remember that time years ago as well my mother took out 10K in cash (it must have been either for a trip or we were moving; I can't remember) and it caught the attention of the bank staff and the manager took her aside and asked if everything was ok; they were concerned that she was maybe being blackmailed or paying ransom or something. HA!

Get a dog and change your life.-Charles Yates .


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