Yesterday my flatopotamus came(or should I say hippoflatomus?) and it really only took a day to arrive because you can't count the weekend! I got an e-mail yesterday morning saying that it was out for delivery and it came in the afternoon! Yay! I love it! I also posted up on my Facebook asking for advice if I should get those earrings I like even though it's expensive ( over 300$) and everyone said I should; my cousin and my friends, and not one single person said NOT to, saying life is short and to treat myself, etc. so I decided to go ahead. and GO FOR IT...but when I checked out online it said
earrings sold individually
what the actual f*ck?
So that means each one costs 300$, so that would be 600$ for both?
Holy f*ck! I'm not spending 600$ on earrings, I THOUGHT 300$ WAS EXPENSIVE ENOUGH but that's twice as much and who the f*ck sells earrings individually,anyway? That has got to be the dumbest thing I've ever heard and would be like selling socks, shoes, boots, gloves, mitts, etc. separately; they 're in pairs, in a set of 2! What the hell use is just one earring?I'm pissed-off but just glad I saw it in time, before I actually completed the order and ended up paying 300$ and finding out once it arrived that I only got one! I guess it's God's way of saying not to get it, but I'm still disappointed.
The story of my life.
I also gave my Facebook avatar new clothes so now its wearing a pretty purple paisley sari for the outfit, and this morning my hubby and the 16 YR old left for Vancouver and should be taking off right about now,actually,assuming it's on time, ha, ha, and it's a 5 HR 33 min. flight( but only 4HRS 25 minutes on the way back) and a 3 HR difference in time. My fave. part of flying is always the take-off; I love the sensation of eccelerating and getting faster and faster and then tilting and tipping back and getting that "excited" feeling in my tummy, sort of like when you're on a ride at an amusement park.Buddy used to always run to the door to greet me when I got back home(I'd say "Where's My Boy?" and he'd come racing over, all excited, tail wagging) too, every time I go out but now he's old and can hardly walk he just waits for me at the front door now once I leave so he's already there waiting for me when I get back, and of course, like typical guys, they just started packing yesterday, last minute.
I'm also cooking shepherd's pie today for dinner with just the 29 YR old and I here( he's at work but I'll save it and he can take it for his lunch tomorrow) since we're the only ones that like it so it's the perfect time, and this morning I enjoyed my last bath-bomb, and last night I sat outside on the back porch hitting the bong looking up at the stars and I either saw a shooting star( I made a wish!) or else it must have been some really good weed and tomorrow is Valentine's Day and Ash Wednesday, a bad combination and we're supposed to get some snow this week,too, to replace the old snow we had before but all melted away now.
We gotta get out while we're young
'Cause tramps like us, baby, we were born to run.-Bruce Springsteen
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