Saturday, February 24, 2024

Light Up My Life.

The 29 YR old came home from work the other day with this big box full of odd-looking light bulbs. He said they were given to him by a client when they changed all their bulbs and these were extra ones they were just going to throw out but were still perfectly good so he got them and now we have them and he happily went all around the house changing every single lightbulb in the house( except for my bedroom because as he said he doesn't go there and won't see it) to the new ones which he says are energy efficient( we don't care about except they cost less electricity to run) and last for years. Then he goes on this long spiel about how "softer" and brighter and luminous the light is compared to the old one,etc. He also said he might clean our chandeliers for us too and when I said I hope he's not charging us (because he never does anything just to be nice) he said he'll give us a family discount I said don't even bother then. It's weird too: it's almost Easter and a few neighbours still  have their outdoor Christmas lights turned on!

I also got these hippo chocolate wafers yesterday but then I'll feel badly eating a cute hippo and I did the test with my credit card trying to buy something to see if my card got declined or not( it did) but I went to a self-serve cash so if it did get rejected I wouldn't be embarrassed in front of the cashier but with my hubby there for back-up to use another credit card(which we had to end up doing) and then off to bank to see what the issue was....
except we went to the wrong bank!
My hubby was a doofus and had us go to the bank where my account is but NOT where the credit card is and after waiting in line forever we got up there and the guy told us it was the wrong bank and I felt so stupid we still had to go to the other bank who called the credit card company and was on hold on the phone with them forever and said it would be a 2 HR wait so forget it; I'm NOT  waiting 2 hours so I just said we'll deal with it at home and my hubby called them and sorted it all out because I haven't got the patience for that (and probably wouldn't know the answers to what they're asking, anyway)and they never told us anything other than there was some sort of fraud so I guess when I ordered my weed online just the day before(and the card was ok) either someone that works there used it for nefarious purposes or else they somehow got compromised and their customers' info got hacked? Either way they said I get a new card in 4-6 weeks and if I have to charge anything in the meantime I'll just use my hubby's card. It's weird though as I've have my card hacked a few times before and the company has always phoned me and let me know but this time they never did; it was just declined and I had to call them.

As I was opening the car door to get out the door also scraped along the sidewalk curb and my hubby snarled, You weigh too much!! and said it was all MY weight that was tilting the car to one side making it uneven and causing it instead of maybe just being that the road or the sidewalk was uneven and for some reason that really hurt and just felt like a knife in my heart and then twisting. It was such a cruel, mean, awful thing to say, and  it hurt my soul, and he finally gets his MRI today as well and tomorrow I'm actually going to the cinema to see the new Bob Marley movie as we can't find it anywhere to download and I haven't been to the cinema in years and here they only charge 7$ so that's not too bad. I'm looking forward to it! I was telling my hubby how excited I was and he sniffed You know I don't care about Bob Marley! but the way he was so quick to dismiss my enthusiasm and excitement also shows he doesn't care about me,either.

This(above) also shows what a Fascist  dystopian dictatorship we live in with everything always being censored all the time, and yesterday when I was out someone told me he liked my dreadlocks and yesterday it was a nice balmy 11 C(and all the snow melted) it felt like spring and I even took my jacket off but now it's - 23 C! This shithole also approved some drug covereage like insulin which is good....but also contraception which I think is stupid; people should pay for their own birth control if they want it and NOT thru people's taxes; contraception is NOT medically necessary.You're not going to die if you don't get it.

The words that she said lingered in my head.-Bob Marley & The Wailers


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