Monday, February 19, 2024

My Father's Legacy.

Today is Family Day and I'm wondering if I have to actually spend it with my family or if I can spend it with someone else's family?  I also realized that I only have 2 memories of my own father( since they split up when I was 2 and I never saw him again): one was that he made me a tin foil ball( like the one I made here the other day) and another was that I was sitting at my little wooden table and chairs set with the deer decal on the table( funny how I can still remember that decal on the table)and he came storming out of the shower, dripping wet and naked with this huge dick( at least it seemed huge to me as I was just a toddler,remember) mad that I wouldn't eat my cheese sandwich and he gave me a smack, and the only other memory (if you could even call it that) was seeing a photo of him in the Bahamas standing in front of the beautiful azure  crystal blue water. I've only heard stories(from my mother) over the years about how awful he was, how he was an alcoholic and how he cheated on her and what an asshole he was, etc. but no real memories of him of my own other than those so really the only "legacy" he left me was the image of a rolled up aluminum tinfoil ball.

Here is also the snow we got, as high as Buddy is tall, and tomorrow is also Buddy's 18th birthday( he's an old fart!) which would be something like 126 in Dog Years, so no wonder he's in such rough shape and is slow "walking" ( or should I say limping ) around and pretty much just sleeps all day, a typical old man. I'll also be giving him a new squeaky toy for his gift although now he only has 3 teeth left he won't be able to "gut" the squeaker anymore like he used to so at least it will last longer than they used to; he used to be able to get that squeaker out in minutes. I also think Putin's critic Alexei Navalny(some people claim he was a CIA operative but that doesn't necessarily mean he was) was poisoned again  and that's what killed him and I'm normally supportive of Putin but this goes too far and now mourners are even being arrested just for laying flowers and paying respects to him which is unacceptable, and Bob Marley One Love is now #1 at the box office but I still haven't been able to see it yet so I have to wait until my hubby gets back to download it for me, and he said they're having fun in Vancouver,too, went to a FanExpo  and anime stuff, playing games,etc.stuff they enjoy but I would find boring and not have any fun, and the 29 YR old hung out at a pool hall as well which concerns me as the kind of people that go there are low-lifes, degenerates and the "dregs" of society, and NOT the best environment for him to be in or influence for him to be in.Even though he's an adult now that's doesn't mean that I still don't worry.

They blame themselves as they were taught to do.-Kyle Robinson


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