Today is World Hippo Day! When the radio DJ announed it this morning he said with a laugh, "...and I'm sure you have it marked on your calendar....." well, actually, yes, I do as a matter of fact! 😂We're also supposed to finally get some more snow later this afternoon and evening too, 15 cm or so, to replace the other that all melted away awhile agoand they even cancelled all the school buses ahead of time in anticipation of it even though it's clear and sunny now. If you ask me, I think that they just look for any reason to cancel them. I remember when I went to school back in the 70's and up to the mid-80's they never did that, even in the worst blizzards; you still got your ass to school no matter what, even if you had to walk.I can still remember the Big Blizzard of 1978 and walking to school. We weren't pussies back then like they are now I guess.
My mother phoned yesterday, twice actually, the first time because she got flustered and confused and didn't know how to leave a message on the answering machine (I didn't pick it up as I didn't recognize the number and thought it was either a telemarketer or wrong number) and then she called back; she just wanted to check and make sure my hubby and the 16 YR old made it to Vancouver ok even though there's no reason they wouldn't have, and doesn't she think that if there was any problem of any sort that I would have called her? She was just worried that their plane might have crashed or been hijacked or whatnot(she's just always been a worrier) and when I fly I never think about stuff like that; my biggest worry is that they'll lose my luggage!😂
I also needed a Magic Eraser to scrub and clean Buddy's scrungy water dish but we ran out but the 29 YR old has a whole bunch of them, at least a dozen he got at Costco he got when he went with his boss so I asked if he could give me one( afterall, he has lots)...and the cheap bastard said he would sell me one! He wouldn't even let me use one unless I paid him, the cheap bastard! Not even his own mother!! It really concerns me the kind of person that he's become and that's NOT the way that I raised him! He's been ruined by the world!
My friend P( from grade 6) and 18 of her closest friends also left for Cuba yesterday and my hubby's nephew and his wife are in Puerto Plata....the same place I went to back in September, just in time to avoid the big snow coming in today and I still hope to go on another trip in the spring, too( when the bad weather has passed) but only when I can reassure myself that Buddy is ok following his stroke; I don't want to go away and leave him vulnerable and risk him dying while I'm away; I'd never be able to forgive myself if he died and I wasn't here for him when he needed me the most.
I also found out they sell special razors just for shaving The Beaver and it sort of surprised me and I just shave my Beaver with the same razor I use to shave my legs. No special treatment here. I also woke up the other morning with my inner cheek bitten again during the night so I must have had another seizure during my sleep again,too.
Why was square dancing so important in school? It just felt like punishment.- JLO Cuinn
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