Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Another Good One.

Yesterday was another nice day; it got up to 15 C and I took this photo of my view and you can even see the rays of the sun  shining thru. Praise Jah for another beautiful day! Today is 8 C but rain so we won't be sitting outside today but tomorrow should be ok. I've even had my bedroom window open for the past 2 days as well and the birds are back singing their sweet songs and our resident bird couple has returned like they do every year in the maple tree in front of our house to build their nest in the hole in the tree and yesterday they were bringing dried grass, pieces of bark, sticks, etc. to line their nest so I guess she hasn't laid her eggs quite yet. There was also a raven that kept flying overhead and kept loudly squawking and as Buddy and I sat out the front in the afternoon where the sun was ( we sat out the back in the morning when the sun was there) I heard a rustling sound in the bushes so I opened my eyes and quickly bolted upright to scan to see what it was, ruling out any danger or possible threat and then I saw it was just a squirrel I relaxed and settled back down into my chair and I realized I'm just like a squirrel when it hears a sound and senses possible danger it goes on alert and then when it deems it safe or it passes it goes back to whatever it was doing. We're all the same; looking out for predators and just trying to survive.

I can't believe next week is March Break already as well and we have to switch the clocks an hour ahead this weekend ( this is the one it gets darker later but we also feel extra tired for a week) and my hubby and the 16 YR old just got over jet-lag adjusting to the 3 HR time difference and now they have to do it again only at least this time it's just 1 hour. I also got banned for a day on one of my Facebook groups (and Facebook itself was down for alot of the day yesterday,too, but I never even noticed because I was outside all day; I just heard about it later) for violating their policy again even though I have no idea what I even said ( it would be nice if they told me what it was!) and it's the neurodivergent group too I only joined because I assumed they mean neurodivergent as in autistic but they're all gay, bi, trans, etc. and are very openly  hostile  to non-LGBT people which is kind of ironic and hypocritical I think when they're the ones always harping on "tolerance" and inclusivity, but I guess it's only when it comes to LGBT issues and not towards others, and the moderator is a really mean butch bitch who calls herself "King" and is power-hungry and rules the group with an iron-fist like some sort of dictator and makes no secret of her overt hatred towards white straight men, so I've had enough and just unfollowed the group. I don't need that shit, or that kind of hate from anyone.The only "funny" thing is she calls her partner her "husbutch" and she calls her her "husbitch."😂

Different, not less-Temple Grandin


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