Saturday, March 2, 2024


Here's a couple of pretty dried purple roses, just because. 
There's not too much going on here lately although last night I went into the kitchen to get a snack and I noticed someone had carelessly left a pot of water boiling unattended on the stovetop and it had almost all boiled away; there was hardly any left(and it would have soon all burned dry and caused a fire-and we already had a fire back in 1996 and don't  need another one!!) so I took it off the element and turned it off and at first I thought it was the 29 YR old since he's absent-minded and is known for doing stuff like that....only this time it was my hubby!  He had left it there to boil some eggs and completely forgot about it and went upstairs to play chess on his computer! Luckily I noticed it!! I don't know whether he's just getting old  and his mind is going(even though he denies it) or else he's preoccupied, maybe worried about his knee and what lies ahead for that, or what, or stressed at work,but what could have happened is scary. My mother used to do that all the time,too, leave stuff on the stove element and forget about it and it's dangerous!

Last night I also heard Buddy do a really loud bark during the night and it woke me up but when I checked he was asleep so he either was barking in his sleep or I just imagined it, and the hole in his jaw(where a tooth used to be) is much, much bigger now, and eating away into his gums and jaw now so it must be cancer and I put the dental Anbesol gel on to "freeze" it for pain relief, and now I bet former PM Mulroney is having a reunion with Gorbachev and Reagan on the Other Side just like they used to have back in the Cold War in the 80's and to be fair I never really liked any of the PM's but Trudeau is by far the worst and the most corrupt ,and I can't believe it's March already and Easter is the end of the month, and it WAS the 29 YR old that stole my bagel(and ate some of my new 4 cheese Penne pasta salad too that I hadn't even opened yet)like I thought  he says is "sharing" even though he never even asked me; he just helped himself and took  it, which means when I have 6 bagels from the store put aside that's supposed to last me for 6 days and when he takes one that makes me short; I don't have one for a day but does he care? NO! He only ever thinks about himself so when he buys some he owes me one and my hubby said from now on for me to just "help myself" to his food then,too.

When you feel unloved on Valentine's Day just remember, on other days nobody loves you, too.-AnnaAnkaAnia


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