My new blonde dreads arrived yesterday! Yay! They just left the package on a chair by the door outside though and never even rang and the box was all wet from the snow and I said I'm so glad it didn't get stolen and the almost 17 YR old quipped, That would have been dreadful,ha ha, and of course my hubby never even noticed and he said You've had them for awhile and never noticed anything different even though these ones are blonde and my others are red, but then again, I even shaved my head bald before when one of the kids had leukemia and he never even noticed that. He's truly so blind! I am just soooooo in love with my dreads! I love it sooooo much!!! It's the hairstyle I've always wanted and that it just sooo me and so perfect for me and my personality. It suits me so well.
I just love,love,love,love it!!!!
The left side of my neck also hurts and feels like I got whacked hard with something, likely a pulled muscle from all the coughing and and now even poor Buddy (who is the cornerstone of my love) is coughing, sneezing,and has a fever; even he caught the virus too so it must be cross-species!
I'm finally not as congested now(day 9 of the cold) and the cough's getting a bit better but I've never seen so much snot and hork in my life I'm practically choking to death on it and I cough so much now my poor throat is burning sore and raw with the constant irritation of the constant violent coughing it feels like it's on fire I just hope it's not all eroded and an artery doesn't rupture or something and so does my ass with the diarrhrea so I'm raw at both ends and and my throat, chest, ribs, and abdomen still hurts from all the coughing and it even hurts to breathe and sometimes it feels like I'm trying to breathe thru a straw and I'm still really sweaty and feel all "woozy" and wiped-out. I really took a hit from this virus! We all did.
It also snowed yesterday as well as you can see in the photo here( which Buddy also photo-bombed taking a shit!😂) even though it was the first day of spring, early this year by a couple of days,and we had such a mild winter this year we really only had 3 "real" snowfalls and hardly had to shovel( sometimes you have to shovel several times a week) and I only got to wear my new boots twice so far.
No one's complaining though.
So, in turn, each time she was abandoned anew.-C.L. Magathan
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