Sunday, March 3, 2024


Yesterday Buddy was sitting cuddling with the 29 YR old and it was just soooo cute I had to take a photo( seen here) and I put it up on my Socials and someone said he's handsome and when I told my hubby he said I should have told her that he's single but this isn't anyone that I know or even that follows me; she was just some random person that saw my post and commented and I'm not going to pimp him out to some random stranger!😂  As well as my bagels and salad he also took my candle lighter for his candles and incense as his ran out but of course he never asked and I looked for it and it was missing( he never even returned it,either!) and I told him I'm tired of him always taking my things and he can at least ask and then he excuses that I was asleep and does he want him to wake me up and  I said how about wait until I wake up and then ask me and he said he needs  it then so he just took it, which was bad enough but can't he at least put it back?  He also "borrows" my Canada Goose parka when he goes out,too(without asking) and I paid over 950$ for that coat and what if he gets robbed and someone takes my coat, esp. when he goes to the nightclub?( he dismisses, "That was years ago!" ....yeah, so it replacement value now would be even more!!) It really pisses me off and I don't know what makes him think he's entitled to just take whatever he wants.

I was also surprised my new credit card already arrived! They'd said 4-6 weeks but it was just processed on 18 Feb. so it really hasn't been that long but I'm glad! The number is slightly different ( shit! I'd had the other one all memorized and everything!) and I have a new PIN number and my hubby got it all activated and tested it out and everything( wasn't that nice of him?) and it works, and this morning I saw the brown rabbit again by the side of the pool, eating the celery I had put out for the squirrels, and yesterday I saw a puddle on the rec-room floor I don't know was either leaking from when I watered my plants or Buddy peed on the floor, and the laundry also took 5 hours to dry in the dryer as it was really wet when it came out of the washer, like the spin-cycle didn't work so well.
 Of course.

I was also shocked and saddened to hear former PM Mulroney suffered from alcoholism and depression and it just goes to show that we all have our own personal struggles that no one knows about, and I'm also sad to hear that The Body Shop is filing for bankruptcy too and I just *LOVE*  that place! They have the best-smelling bath stuff, soaps, shampoo, body lotion, etc, so when they reduce everything I'll have to go and stock up because it'll be gone for good(sob!), and I just realized as well the faith whose tenets I most follow as well ( without even realizing it!) is Rastafarianism because, like them, I also don't eat pork or fish and not much meat, and I smoke weed but don't drink alcohol, and I don't wear make-up, and prefer  things all natural,plus the dreads, 'mon ,and I love me some Reggae.I guess it was just always in my soul all the time.

Every landing you walk away from is a good landing.-Pilot saying


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